Chapter 1: I Hate My Author!

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Friction paced through the hotel room that her author has assigned her to go. Tomorrow morning, the ship going to Reform School is going to get her there.

That place was clearly not her natural habitat, there were no fairy lights, no lavish or quirky garments for her to describe in excruciating detail, perhaps the most devastating thing of all was that there was no a single Starbucks to be seen.

"Argh!" yelled Friction as she yanked the remote control onto the floor, "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"

No protagonist, especially a protagonist from teen fiction should be subjected to such a stressful environment. There was proper air conditioning, clean clothes, a functioning TV and even a goddamn bathtub in the restroom. This is absolutely inhumane!

The protagonist stared at her reflection on the television screen, holy heck! She looked hideous, and by hideous, what she meant was that she didn't have anything to glam herself up. Her hair was straight and tidy, and there was not a single drop of makeup on her face (her author has taken all her makeup away from her). Her clothes were just... I can't even right now. It was a plain white shirt with long, modest blue jeans.

"This is the worst day of my life!" she screeched as she threw her pillow to the other end of the room, "I HATE MY AUTHOR!"

After she threw her little tantrum, a pink envelope slid into the room under the door. Friction rolled her eyes and bent down to grab it.

It had a red wax stamp in the front, the letters "MSRS" were on it.

She opened it.

Dear Miss. Friction Unicorn Carmen King,

I am glad to tell you that you have been accepted into Mary Sue Reform School, and the school year will begin next Monday.

The ticket for tomorrow's ship is mailed to you along with this letter. Please be punctual and be at the dock not later than 8am. Also, please meet me at the principal's office right after lunch.

I hope that you will have a fruitful school year.

Principal Jasmine M A Yu

Oh great, now that cursed author of hers is the head mistress of the school. The school year isn't going to be a bed of roses, is it?

I have decided to ask one question in each chapter of this book regarding writing.

The question is:

Which type of main heroine annoys you the most?

Mary Sue Reform School (Sequel to Not Like Other Girls) Where stories live. Discover now