Chapter 3: Mary Sue Among Mortals

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The girls rushed to the entrance, they stared in shock as they discovered the corpse. The corpse was short and chubby, she also had a handful of pimples. It was as clear as day that she was not a student.

She was a teacher.

"Ding dong!" the speakers on the ceiling rang. Then, the voice of a teenage girl began to speak. "May I have your attention please..."

All the students went silent.

"Due to safety concerns, all students must evacuate the cafeteria at once and gather in the school playground." Then, the voice paused. "Except for Friction King of year one, you must go to the principal's office at once. Thank you for your attention!"

The speakers rang again and went silent.

As everyone else was getting out of the cafeteria through the back, Friction did the same and wandered down another corridor. The principal's office was at the fourth floor.

She walked up the flights upon flights of stairs, damn this school was torture.

At the corner of the main corridor was a a large door with the sign "Principal's Office" on it.

Friction entered the room without knocking, like she always had before.

It was a large room with rolls of bookshelves next to the walls with documents and books.

The room was well lit by the natural light outside the balcony.

The girl on the large chair was eating from her lunch box, not bothering to look up.

Friction rolled her eyes and walked to her table, and knocked on it, "Jasmine, didn't you call me?"

A few seconds later, the principal looked up. "It's Principal Yu to you. Remember to knock on the door next time, you aren't the only protagonist here."

Friction pulled a chair from the side and sat down.

The principal looked towards the pantry that was connected to her office, "Florence, please microwave her lunch."

"Alright, Miss." said the voice from the pantry.

"So, why am I here?" asked Friction, giving the young principal a dead stare.

Jasmine took a sip of her tea and began to speak, "I think you're aware of the murder outside the cafeteria."

Friction nodded, "What about that?"

"Every year, the teachers and the principal consult an oracle before the school year begins." she paused, "This year, the oracle said that a threat is causing trouble from within the school."

Friction nodded indifferently.

The principal sighed, "And it also said that it was a student..." she sighed again, "... at first, I thought that it was the dreaded Bella Swan. But, she isn't even a student here."

"Now what?"

The dark haired girl looked Friction in the eye, "Look, the reason why you're turned in by your author is because you're a joke Sue. Which means that you can understand the other protagonists better."

"Um... so?"

"You can help me and the teachers investigate."

Friction stared at her, dumbfounded. It was crazy enough that this teenage girl no older than her was the principal and her author. But she was created as a joke?

As Friction began to panic, a janitor stormed into the office," Principal Yu! We found a note next to the corpse of Miss. Anderson!"

The teenage principal wore a pair of gloves, "Hand it to me."

The janitor handed it to her, she opened it and read it out loud.

Principal Yu,

I guessed I killed the art teacher. After this, I'll kill your precious teachers one by one. You'll be last.

Mary Sue I

  "Mary Sue is among us?"

  "Mary Sue? As in my ancestor? Queen Mary Sue I who coined the term?"

  "Unfortunately, yes."

Mary Sue Reform School (Sequel to Not Like Other Girls) Where stories live. Discover now