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First off: A HUGE shoutout to Eylle9 because she's been here since the beginning, cheering me on, and now she's helping co-author this. She's awesome, please go give her a follow!

1. I haven't watched a lot the Marvel movies. My parents won't let me because they swear. So facts here will be wrong.

2. I really hope you enjoy this story and just to be clear, this is completely my own, but if you have any concerns, please contact me.

3. Updates will be spotty, so you might not hear from me for like forever. I won't update often. If I do (faints) than it will be on a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. That's if I do at all.

4. This deals with the CA:CW which I have watched but I read more fanfics than anything. I'm also changing most of the plot, so bear with me. A whole heck of a lot of angst.
*What can I say, most of the mcu canon is bad.*

5. This is somewhat of a continuation from my other book, and I suggest you read that one to fully understand this, it is not completely needed though. And I will still be continuing that book as well.

6. While this book has the family elements my other book has, this is not a one shot book. Instead, it is a story. It has Peter as his son and many moments are referenced from my other book.

7. Jarvis never died, he just ran out of battery and needed a reboot, he's okay. And Vision is just a copy of Jarvis' code.

8. This is under MAJOR editing because my grammar is terrible and yeah, so please feel free to comment where I need to fix! If you are a re reader, thank you, and I might change the story and add a little bit to it, so don't freak out if a little different.

*I am a Tony stan for life. So if you are a disrespectful anti, you can exit now.*

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