Chapter 18

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It's been a while since I've updated this (sorry...) but here's a mass of chapters in celebration of getting 100 followers! Thank you guys!

Also, grab tissues because things aren't going to get better...


*A week later*

If Bucky could have guessed what was coming next, he wouldn't have assured himself that everything would be okay with time. If Loki and Thor had been aware of the incoming threat, they would've gone back to Asgard. But they supposed, nobody had been ready for this.

"Oh come on!" Peter fought. "Why can't I go to space? NASA even sent me an email saying I could."

"Peter, I said no, I don't trust Elon Musk with anything. Especially not the care of my child."

"Oh come on!" Peter complained, as Tony and him jogged through Central Park.

"Stop talking and run kid."


"Okay stop." Tony waves his hand and Peter slid to a halt.

"Dad, you're not going to improve if you stop every five minutes."

"I'm not as young as I used to be."

Suddenly, in front of them, a magic portal appeared and Dr. Strange walked out.

"Uncle Strange, why are you here? You hate running almost as much as you hate dad."

"We need you to suit up. It's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake."

"Vision's warning came true?" Tony asked, already unzipping his sweatshirt, where a detachable arc reactor sat.

"Wait, where's the rest of the team?"

"Thor, Loki, and Bruce have gone to Asgard, where Thanos is. Scott is in the quantum realm right now, but Hope is leaving, and Hank is conducting the experiment. Sam and Bucky are talking to the council for me. Come with me. Wong knows more."


"Do you know where Vision is?"

"I can guess, but he turned his tracker off. What's our timeline?"

"Thanos already has the power stone, and Loki is protecting the Space Stone, but he's already unspeakably powerful." Wong explained.

"What happens if he gets all the stones?"

"He can destroy life on a scale unhithero undreamt of."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

"Uncle Strange, why don't we just put your stone in the garbage disposal, Dad's improved it since Thor moved in!"

"Peter, we are not putting one of the most powerful things in all of existence in a trash dispenser." Stephen deadpanned, and Peter shrugged.

"We need to get Vision back here."

"Do you have contact with the rogues?"

"It would take some time, Nat finally turned off the suit trackers, and the burner phones are burnt-literally, but it would take about an hour."

"Do it then." Stephan intrustructed, and Tony sighed as he pulled up a hologram. Suddenly, he felt the ground shake.

"Was that you Strange?"


Peter's spider sense tingled and he let the nanotech suit cover him as he ran out the door of the Sanctum. Outside, chaos was ensuing, as people ran frantically away from the main street, car horn honked, and a lady fell while attempting to run.

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