Chapter 2

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They all arrived at the airport just in time to see the escapees heading towards their jet.

"Steve! A word!" Rhodey shouted across the expanse. The "rogues" started to run. Rhodey and Tony quickly flew towards them and barricaded them safety.

"Cmon. Let's talk."

"You didn't seem to want that before the Accords." Clint said mockingly.

"Were trying to prevent you from making a huge mistake." Tony replied, the voice synthesizer making no effort to show his raging emotions. He glanced around and then motioned east. "Web them up."

"You brought Peter into this?" Steve asked, clearly upset. Suddenly the spider swooped down and stole his shield.

"I kinda told him I was coming." Peter glanced down at the shield unhappy. "You don't deserve this Steve." With that, he webbed it to the side of an old plane. it was actually very picturesque there, but Steve frowned.


"You don't get to call me that anymore Rogers." Peter yelled.

Natasha came in and went to handcuff Clint, who accurately grabbed her wrist and twisted it, not hurting her, but shocking her. Tony quickly came to her rescue. He knocked the man off his feet, but he knew that Clint would catch himself. Suddenly, hell broke lose. T'Challa arrived out of seemly nowhere, and everyone was at each other's throats and Cap's team wasn't holding back. Tony told his team that they were simply defense and under no circumstance were they to actually hurt the others. This was family, and even though they were fighting, no one deserved to get hurt. Maybe it was selfish, but Tony didn't want that on his conscience. Natasha didn't seem to get the memo because she holding back big time. She was barely fighting. At times, it looked like she wasn't even on their side.

It was going quickly until Tony's suit broke down. From the inside. A little man named no other than Scott Lang started to tell him all about his conscience, and how he should listen to it more often. Tony laughed. Yep, the same conscience that wouldn't let him sleep because he had to review every single person he killed before closing his eyes at night. That was the same conscience that told him to make Ultron. Huh, maybe his conscience wasn't so good. He'd have to think about that one later.

Suddenly, Wanda dropped five cars on him, quite aware that his suit had been shut down by Scott. Luckily, Peter webbed up the cars before they hit Tony.

"I got your six." Peter said, and winked, a new feature he had added when he was bored one day in the lab.

"I understood that reference!" Tony said, laughing again. He activated his suit again and made a mental reference to fix the ant problem.

"I understood that reference!" Peter said, and suddenly, he was hit with one of Clint's temporary paralyzing arrows.

- -

"Peter?" Tony's heart stopped. Those bullets were made for people about two sizes bigger than Peter, and a temporary shut down of the system could kill him.

He rushed over and started to freak out. "Jarvis buddy?" His faceplate was flipped up and he wasn't sure if he should do CPR. So he hand his hands ready to go. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening.

"It appears Peter has been knocked out. According to my scans, he will be up and chatty in approximately thirty seconds."

Tony sighed and rested his hand on Peter's chest. "Don't scare me like that buddy."

"Sorry dad." Peter answered. Tony nearly went into cardiac arrest, his suit catching him from falling off the building.

"What did I just say?"

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