Chapter 15

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AN: Hey guys! I know this chapter is like months late and I meant to release it in early March, but writing is...difficult. Just to let you know, I had to write a few (I mean a lot :) of songs for this chapter, so it took me a while. Some of these are based off of existing songs, and I don't have "rights" but I'm not taking credit, so just to let you know, I'll give you the artist and their song names.

Also, I know a lot of you guys are stuck at home due to this COVID-19. I just wanted to check in with you all and remind you that if you ever need support or someone to talk to, I am here. I hope you all stay safe during this time.

Please give a huge shoutout to @Eylle9 who helped write this and is to blame for this ridiculously long chapter. (JK, that was all me, she just supported me and increased my creativity.)


"Peter!" Sam yelled on the couch, "Peter!"

Angrily stomping out of his room blurry eyed and just waking up, Peter glared at Sam, "What birdbrain?"

"You have a visitor."

Suddenly wide awake, Peter bolted from his previous sleepy state and into his room.

"You could've told me that before I came out in PJ's!" He yelled from his room, struggling to throw on a pair of joggers. They were a step up from his hello kitty pj bottoms.

"I'm sure he doesn't mind at all!" Was Sam's snarky reply, still from the couch. "He'll be out in a minute, he's having an emotional breakdown." Sam informed the guest.

"Hey, I'm not having a -" Peter paused. "Taika Waititi?"

"Hey Peter. AKA Spiderman." Taika grinned and Peter's mouth dropped.

Fidgeting on with a vase on the table behind the couch, Peter tried to look nonchalant. "Spiderman? Me? I'm flattered, but really, you-"

"Oh come on Petey, he already knows." Tony reassured him, coming up from the lab. "I thought you weren't going to be here til dinner."

"I wanted to meet Peter in person and discuss plans." Taika winked Peter's way.

"Yes!" Peter jumped up and cheered. "I told you! Dad! I told you! He is totally sold! In your face! Whooo!"

Taika leaned on the wall and nodded, "I love your idea Spidey, but I was thinking more along the lines of a sitcom slash tv show, that way we could explore many more things, like pranking the avengers, and lab days."

In response, Peter hopped up and crawled along the hallway wall, horizontal to the floor. He tended to do that when he was too focused on what was going on, and forgot what surface he was supposed to walk on.

"Peter off the walls now or you're scrubbing them!" Tony yelled from the living room.

A small squeak could be heard from down the hall and then a loud crashing noise.

"Should we even care by now?" Sam asked.

"Let's let this play out." Tony flopped on the couch. "At least everyone else will wake up. Maybe we can convince Rhodey to make pancakes."

"Good luck with that one." Phil came out, in black sweatpants and a t-shirt with a huge SHIELD logo on it.

Just then, Peter came out with a huge bruise on his cheek. Due to his enhanced healing, it wasn't huge and serious, but even with his powers, it looked like it was painful.

"Who hurt my child?" Loki asked, looking shocked.

"He's my kid." Tony retorted.

"I did." Cassie came out with a pair of pj shorts and one of Peter's sweatshirts, evident because of it being at least two sizes bigger than her own sweatshirts. "He came in and didn't turn the light on. I thought he was an intruder. I threw a bat at his head."

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