Chapter 9

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AN: Spider-Man is back with the MCU!!!! 😁

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Steve was pacing back and forth in his cell. Natasha kissed him. That was a thought he never knew he would ever acknowledge.

He wouldn't deny feelings between them had grown in the past few weeks, almost three months. He hadn't thought that she would've ever acted on those feelings in front of her ex. He thought it was just going to be a secret between them, the runaways. Clearly, it was not.

He was ashamed to admit that he enjoyed the kiss. Who was he, kissing his friend's wife?

Technically, she was Tony's former wife, but still, he had done it. And while Steve would never stand down about the Accords, he kissed his friend's former wife. In front of the man. Natasha wasn't the only one to see Tony's face. The billionaire wasn't angry, there was no anger on his face, but he looked like he was going to melt away with pure anguish. Thank goodness Peter hadn't been there. Steve didn't know how he would've reacted. But Tony had to be dragged out by Thor, who basically carried the man.

"Let's get out." Thor put a gentle hand on Tony's back, turning his face away from the two kissing.

"Yeah." But Tony never moved. He was stuck in his place. Thor picked him up, and carried him out of the room, gently murring comforting words to the billionaire.

Steve knew that his stand on the Accords were needed. But the stand was never supposed to go this far. But then, Tony took Bucky and wasn't letting Bucky out. They had to try to get him out, but then when they did, Bucky ended up fighting him.

Maybe Loki was mind controlling him. Or Stephen Strange. That would be against what Loki promised and what Strange vowed not to do.

People broke promises though, and papers could break families. And Steve wouldn't deny either. Since getting out of the ice, he had to learn this the hard way.

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Sitting in an empty jail cell gave Natasha a lot of time to think.
Without weapons to clean, and no privacy whatsoever, she had time to think without anyone's bias but her own. And she hated it. She never wanted time to think, to process her emotions. That's what Ian had taught her at least. "If you let them, emotions will kill you." So she shut them out, but now, they were coming back like a flood.

She thought she had gotten better at expressing herself, but clearly that wasn't the case. What was she thinking when she kissed Steve?
The betrayal in Tony's eyes had confirmed her greatest fear, he didn't care anymore. Or maybe the exact opposite, he cared so much he would be forced to finally burn the bridges because it wasn't healthy. How many times had she advised him to do that? Now he could do that to her. It was bad enough that she had left Peter and him literally in the dust, to pick up their mess, but she had betrayed him.

Some people would be sure to side with her and argue that she was okay. It was only a kiss and she was a free woman because of the divorce. But she wasn't, and she knew it. She had given her heart to Tony, but they weren't the couple they were before the Accords. Natasha had freely showed him that she was willing to give her heart to another guy just because she was mad at him. At least, that was what it would look like, considering he didn't even know the full truth. He at least deserved a heads up.

But it was his fault too right? He was the one that endorsed the Accords which broke apart the family. He was the one that pushed Clint, causing all the chaos to ensue. He then told her that she wasn't allowed to see Peter, her son as much as his. So maybe she did harbor some anger towards him. But he did as much damage to this relationship as her, and that's what she needed to focus on. He had put on a show in the meeting room, only shocking her. She knew that if they were alone, he would've thrown punches.

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