Chapter 5

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A/N: Attempted suicide! Please don't read if this is a trigger! I don't want anyone to be hurt, and at the end, I can give you summarization, just comment and I will.

Also: Please, don't do what Peter is! If you feel like the world would be better if you died, please seek professional help. This is just a story, but you are in real life, and if you ever need support, I'm right here. I love and cherish each one of you!

IronWidow and Spiderson just got 1k votes! Thank you all so much for the love, here's a chapter ahead of schedule.

Jk I have no schedule

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Tony got out of surgery when Loki approached him.


"Puppy." Tony wheezed back. His voice was still a little, well, forced to say the least.

"You don't need to say anything Tony, but as soon as you're better, I hope you'll speak with Peter. He seems to be upset. He won't talk to me."

Tony almost ran out of his room, but Loki stopped him at the door. "I told you, when you get better."

"You don't go tell me that and then stop me. Get out of my way." Tony voice was cold, and even Loki knew when to step down.

When he was walking towards Peter's room, he heard crying. It wasn't just tears, this was full on sobbing, the type of crying that comes from the core of your being, when your whole world is falling apart.

"Pete?" Tony asked. He was barely able to walk, but now watching Peter cry like this? He wasn't breathing correctly either. Peter nearly knocked him over when he hugged him, but Bucky led them both over to Rhodey's couch.

"Cassie and I broke up." Peter sobbed.

He was grieving so much in such short time. He lost half his family, including his mom, lost his girlfriend, nearly lost two of his uncles, and his dad.

He was without a mother figure for the first time, and he lost his girl along the way. He felt lost. Both women were his world. Natasha was his mom, he loved her and she loved him, it was that simple. Cassie was his love, he would do anything and everything for her. He hated her cry and couldn't stand the silence. It was closing in on him, just waiting for him to choke and lose it.

"I'm sorry Peter. I'm sorry this ever happened. You didn't deserve to ever be a part of it." Tony muttered softly, more to himself than anything.

Peter started to laugh through his tears. "You're better at apologizing than they are."

"They tried to call you?" Tony asked. "Already?"

"That's what I said!" Rhodey told them.

Peter nodded. "Yeah. They kept droning on and on about how this wasn't supposed to happen, but never once apologized for it happening. Or leaving."

Tony put an arm around his son. "I'm not going to lie to you and say I think they'll come back, because I don't think so, but I think you and Cassie? I think that's going to work out in the end."

"I hope so."

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Bucky woke up shaking. His arm woke him up, realizing he was stressed and waking him up before the nightmares could take over him, haunt him, and make him question who he was. He didn't want to disturb anyone, but it hurt. The guilt, the loss, and the grief. How did people carry this around? How was everyone in the tower so strong? They carried their guilt, horrors, and demons like they were something to be proud of. They were all so much stronger compared to him. He wanted to be brainwashed again. It would feel better than carrying this seemingly never ending weight, this agony, on his shoulders.

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