The Pentaverse

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An organized and self recognized group of five universes, brought together by the mythical beings called the Holy Roulten millions of years ago. The five universes (in order of organization) are Unnon, Gallidon, Otacke, Retriplis, and Seroah.

There are 48 distinguishable, known sentient and intelligent species in the Pentaverse (the Human species included), with a near uncountable number of inhabited worlds.

A universal language, Olten, was designed to be the perfect language based not only on simplicity and coverage, but on its ability to be taught to, spoken, and understood by all known intelligence, regardless of vocal, auditory, and cognitive function. The name for the language, Olten, gets its origin from the name of the Holy Ruolten. It is believed by many that Olten in a simplified version of the language once used by the Holy Ruolten.

The Simplified Physics of the Pentaverse

Before the Pentaverse, the obvious train of thought was that the universe that a species existed in was all inclusive. This is manifested in the word 'universe' itself; the Latin root 'uni' meaning "one". This never left out the possibility of multiple universes, but as many physicists claimed, if anything were outside of the universe, it would be irrelevant and have no effect on our universe. This all changed with the interversal travel technology introduced by the Holy Ruolten.

It is important to understand here that the concept of traveling to other universes is not synonymous with traveling to other realities. The Pentiverse exists in a single reality. Controllable inter-reality travel has either not been accomplished yet, or is a technology that is kept in secret by another alien species.

Intergalactic travel within any universe of the Pentaverse is incredibly easy. Through the manipulation of gravity (a process called aggreciaforming) and with access to the infinity wells (systems created by the Holy Ruolten that provide infinite amounts of energy), the farthest point of the universe can be reached within a matter of weeks. Despite the cost of time, intergalactic travel is also incredibly cheap. The only cost for the traveling itself is the small tax on energy consumption charged by the PPF.

Interversal travel (traveling from one universe to another) seems just as easy, but much less understood.

A Simplified History of the Pentaverse in Relation to the Human Species

The Human home world, Earth, is located in a larger than average galaxy in the Seroah universe. Thus far, Humans are one of seven intelligent species discovered in the Seroah universe. For a list of all the discovered intelligent Seroah species, go to the Seroah section of this encyclopedia.

For many centuries, a common debate for the Human race was whether or not their species were alone in the universe. They had never encountered life or any sign of life outside of their world, and many theories to explain this oddity were suggested.

In the end, The Human species was far from being alone; rather, the universe was just a very big place with a limited amount of intelligent life, and it took a lot of time for another species to traverse the universe with their limited technology.

Put plainly, other species were just really far away and didn't always have time to visit the Human world.

That being said, the Human species did in fact encounter multiple beings of other worlds. Despite having various species of their universe visit their planet periodically, the majority of the Human species were surprised when they were finally visited uncouthly by the alien Gillren species.

The Gillren are more easily recognized by Humans by the nickname given to them by the Humans, the nickname being the "Greys".

According to the Gillren, the Holy Ruolten had charged them with the duty of finding and gathering the highest intelligences from around the universe several thousands of Earth years ago.

The Gillren had been long aware of the Humans as an intelligent species by then, but were hesitant in bringing them into the Pentaverse due to their perceived need for greater development as a species.

Because of this hesitation, Earth became a place to monitor, and sometimes vacation, for the other species of the Seroah universe. Strict rules were placed on the beings respectively that prevented direct contact with the Humans until the time was right. Many of the different species disobeyed this rule, but generally speaking, the aliens kept themselves well hid.

It was never clear exactly what it was that the other Seroah species were looking and waiting for in the development of the Humans, but many historians speculate that the discovery of life outside of Earth was the catalyst. They were waiting for the Humans to discover scientific proof that life existed on other worlds.

This discovery, as you know, was quickly made. Even though the discovery was as simple as microbial bacteria living beneath the ocean permafrost on Jupiter's moon, Europa, it was shortly after this monumental finding that the other-worldly species made themselves permanently known to the Humans, and soon after introduced them to the Pentaverse, the technology that would allow them to travel within it, and the regulations that were enforced.

The Human species is now fully integrated into the Pentaverse, being the 43rd of the 48 known intelligent species to be incorporated.

At this current year, the Human species has been part of the Pentaverse for over a century.

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