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The Sumea are recognizable by their slick, worm-like bodies; porous, green tinted skin, squinty eyes positioned close to the front tip of the head, and six insect-like arms protruding from the front half of the body.

The Sumea move similar to a Earthly serpent, by flexing muscles along its under section.

The Sumea as a species has variably the greatest eyesights of all the species in the Pentaverse, being able to see minute details in distances up to 3 spans away. A common athletic competition among the species across their world is eye tests, where certain signs will be put up and rearranged at outrageous distances away. The athletes compete to see who can read them from the greatest distance.

It is common practice in almost every Sumea culture that when a relative dies, the existing family members gather together to eat the dead member whole. Despite this being a disturbing and grotesque way to part with a deceased member of the family for practically every other species in the Pentaverse, to not follow through with this custom is considered incredibly disrespectful to the deceased.

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