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The Ferionus are characterized by their thin, transparent, crystal bodies; crystal sprouting heads and hands; and their many spider-like eyes. Due to a lack of respiratory system and being composed completely of a strong mineral/crystal like material, the species is incredibly adaptable and survives very well in almost any climate.

The Ferionus speak using a vibration of sorts that emanates from the crystals atop their heads. The species is usually a milky clear transparent color, but it is not uncommon for a Ferionus to be blue, redish-pink, dark purple, or yellow. Despite color, all Ferionus bodies are transparent.

As a whole, the species is very strategically intelligent and has produced some of the greatest war masterminds the Pentaverse has ever seen.

The Ferionus have an incredible ability of collecting energy from light and other radiation produced by a star, store it within their bodies, then reproduce it again in a concentrated beam of hyper-charged photon particles. This beam has been known to carry enough energy to cut through over a span of some of the Pentaverse's most durable substances, such as Yervium (a mix of Osmium and Gravite).

Another miraculous trait of the Ferionus is its ability to rapidly produce thick and durable crystals around one of its hands, which it can then use as a mace-like weapon.

Concerning the global language of the Ferionus, certain qualities make the language easier to learn than many other languages. For example, every word in the language ends with a distinguishing syllable that groups it into one of several categories.

As one example, the common ending syllable 'us' denotes life or movement in the word. Other words endings such as 'cta' (pronounced as a deep hissing vibration) denote death, or lack of life.

For example, the Ferionus home world "Teius" is regarded as a living entity because of its natural motion through space and its progression as a life bearing planet. For the 'cta' syllable, the word "Ehiecta", which means to think, denotes a lack of life because the concept of it is dead unless the 'thinking' is paired with an action.

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