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An intelligent species characterized by their purple worm like bodies with suction cupped lowers sections that they use to maneuver themselves across the ground. They have six, thin, insect like arms with claw like hands and a single large eye at the body's head end.

They are incredibly smart as a species, as there have been several life changing technologies originating from their cultures. Some of their most renowned technological contributions to the Pentaverse are the honing variant (personalized gravitational wells), equalizing pressure zones (controllable air pockets), and ultimately, the Halo (named after a religious concept originating from the Human species).

The Brauge anatomy contains a few anomalies that have led to many unsolved mysteries. For example, the optical nerve of a Brauge runs from the inner base of its large eye at the head end all the way through the center of the body to the tip of its tail. This results in it having the largest optical nerve length per body size ratio of all the species in the Pentaverse. That being said, the average Brauge vision is impressive, but not greater than the vision of the Sumea species (see Sumea, universe 1, Unnon).

Another interesting anomaly of the Brauge anatomy is its carbonary gland which seems to have the capability to create mineral beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate, the carbon structure for gemstone minerals such as emerald and aquamarine. Specialist in Brauge anatomy speculate that the gemstone deposits would naturally flow through the body and exit through the anus area.

Though this gland goes completely unused in the modern Brauge species, experts theorize that the ancestors to the Brauge used this gland to remove toxic materials from the body as the species subsisted on diets of dirt and various rocks.

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