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"You are bold enough to assume that I won't kill you." 

I could hear Availa telling me to leave it alone, but no matter what she did, she was of his blood. How could he be so quick to eliminate her as if she was one of his human threats? I knew I was digging myself further into the grave that Maddox had carved out for me, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't going to let someone who had kept me company and kept me sane during my time here, be killed by him.

I couldn't and I wouldn't let another person be killed. "Stop being a bitch and think about what you're doing!" I snapped angrily and Zero shuddered at the harsh wind, her knees threatening to give out under her. She looked utterly petrified and confused, looking at the man who ruled her world. I guess she thought she'd never see the day where he turned the trigger on them. Moreover, I couldn't imagine why he would want to harm Availa when she had done nothing but praise his name. I could feel my teeth grinding into the gum at the sheer audacity of this bastard. He was no good—he really was no good.

"Silence yourself and remove your body out of my way." Maddox warned, his onyx eyes tightened, the crinkles around them appearing more pronounced as he threatened to kill me too. Fuck whatever deal we had. He looked as if he wanted to rip through my soul with his bare hand and he had the power to do so without even trying. Though I knew all of that, I didn't give a single shit. I sniffled, using my arms to bind my eyes from the rapid wind as a luminous blue light glowed from the floor around him, the sphere lighting up with various symbols. 

I should've felt scared. I should've felt panicked. I should've ran when I had the chance. Ah, should've, would've, could've. "Dude," I looked at him with an incredulous look on my face, frown morphing into disgust. "What the literal hell is wrong with you?" I questioned, watching as his wings descended back into his back, his neck cracking with the help of his hand. He started to walk around as if nothing happened, a neutral expression plastered on his face.

How could someone be so heartless?

I had never met someone so horrible, so despicable, so surfeiting. He was the very person that parents warned you to stay away from because they didn't want anything if it wasn't for themselves. They were selfish and incompetent. They only ever looked out for themselves and when it was convenient, they helped others. That was only if they had something to gain from it. 

I knew I never hated before like this, without a reason, but he was the first person I had ever come to loathe with so much passion. I thought I hated him before when he came to town, but this right here, this was something much bigger. I felt literal contempt for him every time I saw or heard of him. People say that you have to love someone first before you hate them, but I disagree because this man, this creature has given me everything that I need in order to despise him.

I knew it from the jump when the ground started cracking that same day in Wichita. I knew it from the jump when I could no longer hear my parents' voice anymore. I knew it from the jump when the hell began to unravel in front of my very eyes.

"T-Troy, please don't," Availa squeezed my hand from behind me and I looked over my shoulder, seeing her shiver as she blinked up at me with her big eyes filled with tears. "It was my fault," She whispered, pressing her forehead into my back and I felt rage flare within my empty soul as I turned my head back slowly to face this shit demon lord. "Is it now?" I hissed lowly in reply to her, standing up so that I was eye level with Maddox. He held no remorse, no hesitation, no regret and lack of emotion. He didn't seem to care about anyone but himself and that made him so dangerous.

"Mr. Morelli," A dark and ominous voice cracked the silence, a mere whisper beneath the sound waves. "If you would like to keep living," He tilted his head as the fire around him gradually increased in size. I gulped at the intense heat radiating from him, feeling sweat soak my skin. "Then I suggest you move," The finality in his tone told me that he would not care if I died. It told me that he would take all of zero seconds before he incinerated me to pieces. It was either let Availa die or we would both die.

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