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I haven't gotten off in what seemed to be forever.

I didn't know how long I had been in Hell, but it seemed to be sixty-five years and my dick was shriveling up like fingers after having been in the bath for a while. I couldn't bear to look at it because I feared that nothing would be the same down there. I wasn't even sure if I could feel my ball sack anymore because of how useless it had been.

I was joking.

Not about not having gotten off, that was for sure. Back home in No Man's Land, I had various ways of getting off and the thrill of being caught by the demon lord was what fueled me to do so, but now that I didn't have the proper channels or people for that matter, I was at a wit's end. I was not about to go sit in some shower and jack off like a prepubescent child. What the hell did I look like? I was also not about to do that because the demon lord could hear me in such loud proximity. 

It was different on Earth because he heard everyone but here in Hell, there were only so many humans compared to the demons, and he would be able to single me out. "Why am I thinking so hard about this?" I whined to myself, resisting the urge to rub my crotch against the bed like a horny dog. Even the word 'hard' made me want to throw myself off the nearest bridge. 

"You look so miserable, bro," I nearly jumped to the realm of Earth upon hearing Avery's annoying voice. "Shut up and get your Trix is for kids ass out of my face," I hissed in agitation, wanting someone to relieve me of this pent-up frustrations. I was trying to come up with ideas to help Maddox and this predicament with this king that I had never met, but it was so hard when I constantly thinking with my dick.


Oh my god.

"Are you good, Troy?" Avery peered into my face as I sat on the edge of my bed, staring into nothingness. I didn't even know who I was anymore. All I could think about was the constant throb in my pants. "I don't know," I replied in such a glum tone and Avery rolled his eyes, snickering. "Ah, I see," He shook his head, his grey eyes chuckling in mirth. "You don't have your usual girls you can call here, huh?" He asked and I grumbled in pure agony. "Yea, but I wasn't even thinking about them."

I really was not thinking about the girls I used to get back with when I was on Earth. They were good for the time being because they were all I had access to, but now that I was here and on a totally different ballgame, they were nonexistent to me.

"Then what are you thinking about?" Avery teased as he sat down, ruffling my hair, and my mind automatically went left. Tall and tan taut muscles in the right places, silky smooth skin that framed a smile so wide, gold eyes glistened along with the glow of teeth, the way the black hair hung over those mysterious eyes as they looked away in a bout of shyness. "Dude, are you seriously good?" Avery snapped his hand in my face and I blinked, cheeks feeling hot. Nothing had to tell me what I was vividly visualizing because I already knew.

"Who knows?" I sighed, straightening up. It was hard to sit here and converse with my best friend like old times when Maddox was struggling with everything. He was carrying that burden all on his shoulders and all I could think about was literally fucking myself. No one but he and I knew about the situation, which made it harder because people knew that I wasn't okay. 

"Maddox told me about your interaction with my duplicate," Avery stammered out all of a sudden and I blinked back to the present. "Huh? Oh, yeah. What about that fucker?" I wouldn't admit to Avery or to anyone, but what he said really hurt my feelings. I mean, I knew that Jade and I were close because she was the rock of my life, but Avery was the sun on those dark days. Though he could be an idiot, that was my guy. 

"I want you to know that no matter what he said," Avery reached over to grab my hand and I stared, waiting for him to continue. "I would never say anything like that to you. You are my brother, man," His voice was pleading as if he was begging me to delete that memory from my mind. Though it was impossible because one couldn't forget anything like that, I could move on from it. "Do you understand?" He asked and I nodded, squeezing his hand. "Stop getting all mushy on me, you dickface." 

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