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This is the last chapter.

"Alright, Arley," It was quite amusing to see how a grown-ass man like Maddox interacted with a baby who looked like a toddler. Arley was standing there, staring at Maddox with his hands out in front of him as if he was waiting for power to manifest. "It's important that you know how to shift in and out of your inner demon," Arley tilted his head but nodded nonetheless. "Will I be big and bad like you?" He asked with a bright smile.

"Yes, of course!" Maddox held out a hand for Arley to high-five him, and he did, enticing me to roll my eyes. They were each other's best friend, it seemed. I was just the odd one out, the one leading them on the sidewalk.

Arley stared at the wall in an intense bout of concentration and all of a sudden, a black wing sprouted from the left side of his back. He panted heavily, latching onto Maddox's leg. "Yay!" I cheered, knowing that this kid would grow up to be an important figure for all of us. After all, he was the first hybrid child born from a human.

Arley giggled, clapping his hands before running around the room with one wing. I shook my head and came to stand next to Maddox, who wrapped an arm around me. "You know what's funny?" I snorted, inhaling his cologne as I leaned into his touch. "What?" He replied and I took a deep breath.

"Almost five years ago, if you told me that this was going to happen, I'd probably punch the shit out of you," My man rolled his eyes as I intertwined our fingers together. "But now, I don't think that I could live without you," I whispered and he blushed, his eyes turning a celestial blue. He looked so soft and content and I just had to take a moment and thank whatever god there was that I was here with him. After all, the ring on my finger proved everything.

"Yeah well, you'll never have to," Maddox grinned demonically before pulling me into a chokehold and ruffling my hair. I playfully punched him in the arm, fixing my hair so that I looked professional enough. Even to this day and probably till the end of time, he has made my heart skip a beat with everything that he said or did. I guessed that I finally had the love that Vasily and Maria Morelli had.

And fuck, it was the most beautiful thing.

He fixed the collar of his suit, cracking his neck before he turned to me. He looked clean-cut and sexy and I was contemplating whether or not I should jump his bones. "You ready to go deliver this speech, my demon lady?" He smirked, gold eyes staring into my own grey-brown as he held out a hand for me to take. I snickered all the while taking his hand, nodding.

"Yes, my puppy lord."

On the way up to Earth in the saucer, specifically the White House in Washington, D.C, I thought about how cars would benefit us demons here in Hell. Sure, we had saucers, but the inconvenience of one person versus an entire community made a difference. "Are you nervous?" I heard feet walking towards me and I looked up to see the second division commander, Lexica, and the black hole guardian, Zero, walking towards me with Vee, Zavi, and Amona in tow.

"Nah," I said as Vee and Amona clung to my legs. "Do you have everything prepared?" Zero questioned and I shook my head. "I just figured I go in there and whatever comes to mind just gets said," I shrugged and they all looked at me as if I asked them to legalize meth. "You do realize you're going to be speaking in front of not only 8 billion people on Earth, but two more billion from Hell and Eden?" I nodded in all seriousness and they both deeply sighed, unsure of what to say.


They said nothing and I pouted, watching Nya and Yara appear out of thin air. "We're here," The right-hand woman said as she motioned for me to follow her. The five remaining there gave me thumbs up as I descended down the stairs, awaiting what was to come.

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