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What they didn't know was that I was stubborn.

If any of these people knew me as well as they said they did, they would know that once I put my mind to something, I was going to hold out.

Now, that didn't mean that despite how I felt about Maddox and how angry I was with him, that I didn't miss him. I mean, obviously I had to if I was willing to charge forward in the line of battle to save his ass. No, I wasn't the one who did things without a reason. As I said, I had never loved before, so it made sense that my love for him was so intense despite all of our challenges and our experiences. 

"Oh ho ho," Maria Morelli folded her arms, staring at me with surprise as she raised her brow. "I just knew the day Sir Alistair told me that he retrieved you from back home that it was gonna be a day to remember and sure enough, it was," She chuckled, gleaming at my stomach. "When did my son get a son?" She screeched and I let out a breath of relief.

I had thought that she would've been angry with me because this was not the life that she had imagined that I would live. Here I was, 19 and shackled up with the man who snatched she and my father away from me when I was younger and to add fuel to the fire, I was having his evil spawn (I love you, my son). I could imagine the in-depth confusion and the inner turmoil that she was going through. No less, I didn't think about what my father would say because he just as a hardass as he is carefree.

Even though there were trying times, their approval mattered and I didn't want them to think any less of me because of all the events that transpired. I was, no doubt, terrified of what they had thought.

"I just knew that demon lord had a fascination with my baby. Can you believe we're going to be grandparents, Vasily?!" My mother clapped her hands happily, patting my father's shoulder. He still hadn't said anything and I was shitting myself internally in my sweatpants. "This skin will still be looking radiant by the time the little one gets here," Maria chuckled, flipping her hair over her shoulders.

"Of course it will. You're still as beautiful as the day I met you," My father rubbed my mother's back as he took my hand in his, moving a bit closer on the bed. The physician had granted my wish of allowing me to move back to my room and I was so glad. "Troy, stop looking at me as if you're expecting me to bite you," He rolled his eyes and I feigned a nervous chuckle. "You're still my strong, badass child. The only difference is that I can't hit you upside your head out of respect for my grandson," Vasily smiled softly, his green eyes crinkling as he rubbed my hand.

"Y-you're," I breathed. "You're not mad?" I asked and he shook his head, offended that I would ask such a question. "Why would we be? We're proud that you met someone so great and changed his life because you are who you are. I can't think of a better person suited for you than Sir Alistair," He offered gently and I fought the urge to scoff.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way," Maria folded her arms, prepared to give me a lecture. "What is this I hear about you avoiding Sir?" She raised a brow and I looked away, feeling like I was a kid again, getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar after bedtime. It seemed as if she wanted clarity on the situation, so I explained to her all of the events that happened up until we came back. 

She listened to me deeply and I was proud of myself that I was able to keep myself from bawling whenever I thought of Jade. 

"Son," My dad clicked his teeth. "We know you're in a tough spot. That goes without saying. It's extremely terrible that you lost Jade and I'm grateful for the fact that she saved you, but life goes on. You need to remember what it is that you have here. You have Avery, us, your son, Maddox, the other demons and humans," He said. "From the stories that Jade told me about you, she wouldn't want you to let this ruin every other piece of happiness. That's why she saved you," He stared at me adamantly and I sighed, having said nothing.

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