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"Wouldn't that be you?"

I pointed to Natanya, who was the literal walking daughter of Satan. "No," She shook her head, sniffing the air deeply. "We all can smell life growing inside of you," I stared at her in confusion, wondering if I should be understanding this topic. "It appears that daddy dearest didn't tell you how reproduction works in Hell," Nya went to speak but Natanya turned to her. "I know the timing is wrong, but he has to know because, within two months, it'll be over. You know demon births are very quick," She said in a hushed manner.

I was extremely confused, they had to know. Nya reluctantly nodded, allowing the demon heiress to have the floor. She smiled sweetly at me, pointing to my stomach. "Dearest Taen, when you and my father engaged in sexual pleasures," I nearly gagged at the words that came out of her mouth, blushing on the spot. "He must've not used protection because as you know, demons are very fertile. It does not take much, if you know what I mean," She raised a brow and I fought the urge not to scream. She was basically saying it didn't take much demon jizz to knock someone up.

"This applies to demons and humans alike, regardless of gender," She pointed to me and I could slowly but surely put it together. "Are you, are you really saying that Maddox put a baby inside of me?" I gaped in horror as she nodded with a smirk. "Because he marked you at the time, it made the chances higher so congratulations, Troy. You are a mother-to-be in two months," I blinked back and forth, looking from her to my stomach then back to her.

"You fucking lying." I barked, wondering why she chose now to play this fucking prank on me. Her dad was literally above us, fighting for his life, and she had the nerve to pull some shit like this? "No," She inched closer to me, holding her hand out. I stiffened as she touched the exposed skin of my stomach, cursing myself at the weight I seemed to put on. "Put your hand on top of mine," She demanded, a pink glow emitting from the palm of her hand. I felt fear run through me at the thought of her hurting a child that may or may not have been there, but she shook her head and smiled.

So I did what she asked.

Ba dum, ba dum.

Ba dum, ba dum.

"You hear that?" A smile unconsciously came to my lips as the vibrations from her hand seeped into mine. "That's the heartbeat of your young one. Seems to be that they're forming really quickly," I had half a mind to ask her how long it took for them to be born and how they weren't going to get it out of me because let's face the truth, I am a male, but I just left it alone. 

"Because my father is the demon lord, your child will be here a lot sooner than most humans think and a lot stronger. We must retrieve my father now before you get further on," Natanya explained, flickering her blue gaze up at me as I felt the heartbeat of this growing fetus. "Who even said I wanted to have this child?" I grumbled, not liking how they were making the decisions for me. "I'm only 19 and I ain't even married! Do you really think that I would be capable of having this child and taking care of him or her?" I shook my head, knowing my true self. "The child would be better off without me. They'd have you," I grabbed her shoulder. "And they'd have Maddox,"

The daughter of Hell looked at me as if I smoked crack. "Don't be stupid. You are far more suited to be a parent than you think you are, so don't fret. Besides, you've got my father and I," She smirked, the very emotion of happiness gleaming in her eyes. "I'm not calling you mother though," She cringed, leaving that to be the end of that discussion, no questions asked.

"Fine," I sighed defeated, knowing I couldn't put up a fight. "I wouldn't want you calling me that anyway," I pouted and she tapped my cheek before walking away, leaving me to now think about this situation in a different light. I just relished in the fact that there was a child inside of me. Like I was inside of my mother's tummy and she probably felt the same joy that I was.

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