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After what seemed to be the sixth time of him laying me in that bed and destroying me through and thorough, I was finally able to roam the castle. I was becoming so comfortable and I was sure it was going to be hard for me to leave, if that day ever came and if Maddox planned on letting me leave.

"What's up, dickface?" I clapped the shoulder of my grey-eyed companion, startling him with a jolt. "Oh, hey Troy!" He reached in to give me a hug and I had to stifle a wince as he squeezed my body tightly. "I missed you, bro," He rubbed my back and I chuckled, pulling away from him to go get some Lucky Charms out of the cabinet. "What are you doing anyway? Finally getting your head of Zero's ass?" I raised a brow and he blushed, a brown arm coming to wrap around his neck. "What makes you think that?" Zero, or Kamryn, smirked and I shook my head, seeing how in love with each other they were.


"When do you two plan on telling the dear demon lord that you two are together?" I questioned, seeing them pale on the spot. "I mean, you guys are pretty obvious about it so if he doesn't know now, he will know even before you tell him," I shrugged, pouring some milk into my delicious meal. "Who knows? He sees all, o holy one, so maybe he already knows," That might've been the truth. Maddox literally saw everything with those gold eyes of his. If it didn't matter to him, then that was good because it meant that you weren't on his hit list.

As for me, I stayed at the top of that hit list.

"But I don't know..." Zero trailed off, lacking confidence in herself and in her actions. "The hell's with that passive ass attitude, Zero? Aren't you supposed to be the big ass, bad ass torture guardian around here or something like that?" Her eyes widened as I shoveled some cereal into my mouth, fighting the urge to moan. "Own your shit and be proud of it. You deserve to be happy too," I rolled my eyes, knowing she was contemplating Sir Alistair's behavior. "Your precious puppy lord will be okay. If anything, I'll deal with it if it turns out that he's not okay with it," I didn't know why I always had to offer to throw myself under the bus for other people and their problems.

Either way, I was sure that Maddox wouldn't care and if he really did, I would do my best to convince him otherwise. 

"Just be yourself and you'll be okay, I promise," I whispered and she nodded, giving Avery a kiss on the cheek before throwing me a wave as she headed out of the kitchen. "I have guardian duties to tend to," She whistled and that was the last I heard of her.

"You always seem to know what to say, don't you Troy?" I tilted my head as I chewed sloppily, looking at Avery's dumb ass. "Huh? What are you talking about? I was just telling ya'll to stop whining and do your thing," I shrugged and he fixed me with a knowing gleam in those eyes of his, and I looked away. "You're a lot kinder than you like to think you are," I stared at him, wanting him to choke on a spoon. "No, I am an asshole. I just pick and choose when to tone it down," He snorted, letting me know that he believed not a single word of what I said. 

"You're a bitch," I retorted, gathering the tell that he could see right through me. He could see through the facade that I was putting up and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Back home, no one could tell what I was thinking or the motives behind what I did. Here, I was just as transparent as water and no one would let me live down the fact that I was secretly nice.

Ew, that word tasted like shit on my tongue.

"Whatever," I tossed the milk into the sink, watching Stefani and her crew cook various meals in the other kitchen across. "I'm going to see my parents. Hopefully you'll have some common sense by the time I get back," I shifted in my ripped jeans, pushing my hair back as I flicked him on the cheek on my way out of the kitchen.

"Hey, Troy!" I heard a voice and I looked ahead to see Availa and Lexica walking towards me, waving at me. Aw, they were happy to see me just like I was happy to see them. "Hi babes!" Availa reached in to hug me and I internally keened, hugging her tightly. "What are you two up to?" I questioned and Lexica shrugged. "We are unsure. Sir Alistair has relieved us of our daily tasks, so we're just chatting and whatnot," I was a bit taken aback by the fact that someone as anal and as particular as Maddox Kane would be nice enough to allow them a break when he had never done that in the time that they had been here.

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