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Being home for the first time in five years was really something. 

"So this is Wichita," Maddox murmured as we teetered on the steps of the saucer, looking from the green land among the big expo that sat in the city, to the water that trickled in the big body of water just outside of the city. "Yeah," I hummed, feeling an immense relief from being in the land where I grew up. 

Nothing had changed, it seemed. The evidence from when Maddox had come and took our people was gone and it looked like it normally did, quiet yet bustling with people as they walked. "Wow," A voice piped up from the left of me, a strangled groan leaving her lips. "This is what it feels like to be home," Maria Morelli sighed heavily as she wiped a tear from her eye, staring at the beautiful land before us. 

"...I'm sorry," The demon lord muttered solemnly as she and my father took another step down, eager to go relish in what used to be apart of their lives. "There's no need to feel regret, Sir Alistair," Vasily waved a hand at him in a manner that I would, enticing a scowl from myself and the baby that Maddox was holding. "You couldn't help the situation, so please don't dwell on it. Besides, you've made our dear Troy happy, so we forgave you a long time ago," He said as he grabbed my mom's hand, taking a step onto the ground they had longed to see.

It was extremely beautiful the way their faces lit up when they looked around, taking in land that they hadn't seen in almost five years. My heart grew and I couldn't stop the small smile that slid on my lips.

"Let them be," I grasped Maddox's shoulder as he kept descending down the stairs. "As much as they love you and as much as they are grateful to you," I shook my head. "This is their time. They just want to reminisce and return to peace," I whispered, watching them run around and chase each other like old times. 

"...you're right," He mused, shuffling Arley in his arms. Ever since I gave birth to that evil spawn, he had been attached to Maddox's side, clinging to him like a barnacle. If anything, I'd give birth several times over and over again just to see that dopey grin on his face. He looked so happy, too happy. He looked so at peace to the point where Natanya had come up to me, telling me how jealous she was because Arley was getting all the attention she wanted.

 Though she didn't blame her father.

She felt a little bittersweet about having a sibling at first because she never really got the attention and love as a child, but all of those feelings went away when she landed eyes on the demon spawn.

Then as quickly as she came, she was roped in his trap. 

"Let's go," I grumbled sourly, grabbing Maddox's hand as Arley climbed his way to sit around his father's neck. This was my life now and I had to accept it. "We're going to walk the city," I said, pulling him along. It felt odd to be back since I hadn't been here in so long. The last time I was here, I was getting on a bus to be transported to No Man's Land.

"Oh, they still have that movie theater," I mused, pointed to the big building that sat in the center of the shopping mall. There were people walking and talking about, grinning and smiling. this was a sight to see because it hadn't been this way in a long time. "Have you ever been to a movie theater?" I asked Maddox, who happily squeezed my hand at the same time he was listening to Arley's incessant screeches. 

"No," He shook his head, trying to make sure that Arley was safe and secure. Of course, he was. Even though he was born two seconds ago (it has been a month and three weeks), he was already starting to fill out his bones and babble with the teensy tiny front teeth he had. Soon, he would kill us.

"Whaaaat?" I grimaced, knowing that I had a lot to teach this man. Since we had eternity and then some together, he was gonna be as educated as he could get. "This is where we used to go and watch all the good stuff that came out. We used to sneak in food and snacks and watch the older guys make out with the high school girls," I chuckled, thinking about my young life. "Oh, so you want me to make out with you in the back of this...movie theater?" Maddox raised a perfect eyebrow at me with a smirk and I blushed as I looked away furiously, trying to find a good ass comeback for him.

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