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"You try waking up in the arms of a demon lord," I hissed to Jade as she analyzed the claw marks in my side. "You don't know how hard I had to fight for my life just to go to the fucking bathroom," I rolled my eyes and she chuckled, putting my shirt down. "Seems like he did quite a number on you," She pointed to various dark marks and bruises plaguing my chest and neck. "Unfortunately, so," Some of them hurt, so they had to be from his teeth. That motherfucker. "I'm surprised," Jade folded her arms, giving me that look, the look that told me that I was as impulsive as ever.

"Do you like him, Troy?" 

I raised a brow, wondering what she was trying to poke holes in. "What does that mean?" I questioned, knowing that the beating of my heart implied my answer. The physician said that it was all in my mind and that I needed to stop playing games and come to terms with my feelings. "You said it yourself," Jade stated. "You don't believe in love," I nodded in agreement, knowing that I said what I said and I wasn't going to take it back. 

"Jade," I looked at her with amusement in my eyes, loving how concerned she was for this man. She didn't even know the full story and here she was, coming to his defense against me. Luckily, she had no need to be concerned. "I can't say I believe in love because no one has given me what my parents have," I thought back to the beautiful love that my parents, Vasily and Maria, shared and how pure it was. Maddox was getting there, but it wasn't quite yet. "But relax. I'm not gonna hurt the man. Yea," I shrugged.

"I guess you could say that I like him." I had no problem with admitting that, but I had no idea what love was for me to be going and throwing it around like it was candy. "As long as you know what you're feeling," She leaned on my shoulder, burrowing her head in further before she started to giggle. "But it's kind of funny, you know, seeing you like this," She poked me in the stomach and I frowned. "Like that?"

She sighed. "Back in No Man's Land, you had no self-control, no will to live, no desire to keep trying. You did what you wanted despite knowing the repercussions. Even when you got caught, you still looked out for Avery and I, but you never once thought solely of yourself. You never took the time to stop and think about how you were feeling, about what you were doing, about your next step," She explained and I went to counter and say that I really did know what I was doing because that was why I did it, but she continued.

"I know you better than you know yourself, Mr. Impulsive Troy Morelli. You're much happier than I have ever seen you and you know that's the truth," She said and I nodded, knowing that her thoughts weren't wrong. "I'm guessing all it took was Hell and Maddox Kane?" She teased and I flicked her on the head, running a hand through her black hair. "My question is, what are you going to do about Natanya?" 

I raised a brow, not even have thought about that girl. "Truth be told, nothing. I don't think about the future like that. I like to think about the present because anything could change. If I'm still the way that I am with Maddox, I'll let her know the truth. If I'm not, there's no point in opening a can of worms," I concluded as Maddox Jr. came trotting up to sit in my lap with a bark. "Hi, baby," I rubbed his fur and he closed his eyes, reminding so much of his namesake. 

"...so how was he in the sack?"

I smirked at Jade's question, wondering if I should really tell her how exceptional he was, to the point where I struggled to walk this morning. "That man was everything, I'll tell you. I don't even think he knew how to have sex between two men, but I couldn't even tell because that's how great he was," Truth be told, there was no way that I could go back to having sex with women after he rocked my entire solar system. 

"Does that mean you're gay now?" She questioned and I shook my head. "No because I don't find myself attracted to men that aren't Maddox. Just like I don't find Avery attractive, bless fuck," I mumbled and she chuckled as she let out a deep breath. Times like this where Maddox was handling demon code enforcement business and I was just relaxing, hanging out Jade while Avery was on a date, it was peaceful.

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