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July 17th, 1988. Malfoy Manor. Draco Malfoy. 1:14 AM.

I groaned, as quietly as I could, as I felt the bones in my right wrist shift as I tried to push myself off of the ground. I hissed in pain, my side flaring angrily as I greedily sucked in air. I slowly pushed myself to a seated position, gingerly wrapping my right arm around my ribs. I leaned forward, the muscles pulled tightly on my ribs and I hissed at the sharp pain. I bent my knees and put my feet on the floor. I braced myself, placing my uninjured hand on the ground and slowly pushed myself to my feet. I let out a groan and pressed my lips together.

I wobbled unsteadily, my ankles sore and my knees nearly buckled. I bit back a groan and walked to the door. I rested against the doorframe, my shoulder throbbing in pain. I bit back a whine and looked down the hallway.

I saw no one and began my agonizing trip to my bedroom. I stumbled over nothing, my feet slipping on the smooth tile. I cradled my arm against my chest, frowning at the way my wrist felt. I couldn't dwell on the pain yet. I needed to get out, and quickly.

I tumbled to the floor, landing harshly on my wrist. I heard a sharp pop and hissed in pain. I looked up when I heard a loud pop.

"Can Dobby be helping Master Draco sir to his sleeping chamber?" The House Elf, Dobby, asked in a low tone. Dobby knew by helping me he was putting himself and all the other House Elves in danger.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Can you come and help me up first? Then we need to hurry."

Dobby came over and helped me up, his hands grabbing my left side. I felt the hands multiply and knew that the other House Elves were helping Dobby and me. With their combined magic, we all arrived in my bedroom and I was sat down on my trunk.

Keemy grabbed my hurt wrist and pulled it closer to her. She looked over her shoulder at Vadry and Tiffy, motioning with her eyes for one of them to light a candle and for the other to bring her some bandages.

The two House Elves nodded and went to do as they were bid as two additional House Elves, named Muffy and Zaldy, opened my wardrobe and began packing my clothes. They cleverly left the clothes that I would complain about in there for Mother to find when she came looking for me.

Keemy snapped her fingers in my face to get my attention. "Keemy is going to set this wrist, y'hear? It'll hurt but Master Draco must keep his noises to himself, does Master Draco understand Keemy?"

I nodded and braced myself. I felt a sharp snap in my wrist as she set it and nearly let out a whine in pain. I looked at my wrist and saw it engulfed in a deep blue glowing light before that light dulled and faded away. I looked at the House Elves and noticed they were all staring at my wrist.

"Master Draco isn't who Master Lucius and Mistress Narcissa say he is," Dobby said, wide-eyed and shocked.

I frowned at the House Elves. "What do you mean?" I looked at Dobby, our eyes wide, and asked again. "What do you mean?"

Dobby looked at me, a soft smile on his face. "You's not Master Draco. Master Lucius isn't your father."

"You must go. You must leave now." Keemy said, her eyes wild and scared. "Go to somewhere safe, do not return to this house."

"Come with me," I begged. "Come with me and you'll be happy, all of you. Please." I felt the tears sting my eyes and fear tug at my heart. I don't know what I'd do without them.

"You know we can't just leave," Zaldy said, his eyes soft and sad. "Not without being dismissed."

"I haven't been disowned yet. I can, I can dismiss you." I looked at the House Elves, they had all done so much for me. This was the least I could do for them. I got up and dug through my trunk, looking for the clothes I had bought with each of them in mind. When I found them, I grabbed them and pulled them out of the trunk. I turned to Keemy and presented her with a lilac and lavender dress. She accepted it and smiled. I turned next to Vadry and presented him with a pair of green striped socks. He took them gingerly and looked at me amazed. Next, was Tiffy. I handed her a blue tutu, the edges covered in glitter. She smiled and accepted it. Muffy and Zaldy received matching hats and scarves, decorated in muffins and cakes. They smiled at me and nodded. Finally, it was Dobby's turn. I presented him with an orange shirt, it was stained and worn but it had been one of mine that Dobby had expressed interest in. He looked between myself and the shirt, almost like he couldn't believe it.

"For Dobby?" He asked, his voice shaking and I smiled. I nodded earnestly and held it out to him. He grabbed it and held it close to his chest. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

With that done, I started handing all of the other House Elves various articles of clothing, needing to free them before Mother woke at six to come check on me.

When the last House Elf took their gift, we all smiled and ran away from that house. I ran to the only place I had ever truly felt safe and hoped they would receive me well, especially at such a late hour.

July 17th, 1988. LeStrange Manor, Bellatrix's Chambers. Bellatrix Black. 1:37 AM.

I bolted upright and gasped. I put a hand on my chest and looked around the room. I was trying to figure out what woke me up when I felt the magic deep within me stir.

I got out of bed and went over to the mirror above my dresser. I saw red eyes staring back at me instead of my normal brown. I looked up at the top of my head and saw black cat ears. I frowned, not understanding what was happening.

July 17th, 1988. LeStrange Manor, Bellatrix's Chambers. 1:40 AM.

A bright flash of green light enveloped the woman, the first of six barriers breaking as she frowned. She was remembering.

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