The Long Weekend After the Sorting

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Okay, guys, since according to our handy-dandy calendar it states school starts on the 3rd (which in 1988 was a Saturday) I'm tweaking it a little so they're starting school on a Monday (I know I know but this is MAGIC school so, not as bad as normal school). For my favourite bruh, KelpieWing, best boi will spend copious amounts of time with his soon-to-be while his best friend's busy trying to avoid unwanted attention. We'll avoid writing about classes as much as possible unless absolutely necessary.


Without further adieu,

On with the story...

September 2nd, 1988. The Whomping Willow, Hogwarts Grounds, Hogwarts. 8:50 AM.

A group of friends was sitting around and in the Whomping Willow, this group of friends adorned in robes of three out of four of the houses was closely knit and practically family. The youngest members of this group, those who had only joined last year, sat closest to the tree.

A young first-year Slytherin watched this group from a safe distance, he knew not to mess with the tree but he was amazed by those four second-years. He watched as the only female second year suddenly turned and waved at a second year in red and gold robes. He frowned and watched intently.

Hermione Granger smiled and waved at one of her few Gryffindor friends, Elli Miskea. She motioned for Elli to come join them and her smile grew while she watched the Lion walk towards them.

"Elli!" The young Raven called, "how was your summer?"

The young Lion blushed at the Raven's attention. "It was fine. How was your's Hermione?"

Hermione straightened up and her eyes lost their happy gleam. "The beginning wasn't very good but it got better. How's your mom, you said she wasn't feeling very well?"

Elli looked at the people around them and flushed, they wondered if the others knew they were different. "Mom's not doing very well. Da took some time off to be with her in the hospital while Mama puts in more hours."

Neville looked at the Lion. "Your parents are a triad? That's cool." He smiled. "Since she's probably not going to remember her niceties, I'm Neville Longbottom. The other three in Hufflepuff robes," he pointed to his own robes then at the three fourth years, "are Nymphadora Tonks, Darcy Hughes, and Mike Driscoll." Neville looked to the two in green and silver robes and smiled. "Those two are Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter."

Elli smiled, "Elli Miskea, at your service." They bowed and stood back up laughing.

Orpheus felt a small smirk spread across his face and he walked towards the group. He nodded to himself and gave a little wave before coming to stop beside the one introduced as Harry Potter. "Hi. I'm Orpheus. No parents, or last name, to speak of. I heard the introductions and I figured I'd stop by and get to know some more people at this school." He gave it a few seconds before nodding. "Well, I've introduced myself and I'll be off. Lots of exploring to do. Buh-bye now." With that, he turned and walked away.

The group of seven, now eight, friends sat down around the tree and smiled while sharing stories from their summers.

"Mike and I went running with the pack." Darcy proudly told their friends, her hand linked with Mike's. "Grandpa said we'd have to form our own pack while we're here, and we were hoping you guys would consider it?"

Nymphadora smiled and felt happy tears fill her eyes. "Of course! What are friends for?" She tapped her finger on her chin. "I'll have to write to cousin Sirius!" With that, she was up and running to the owlery, parchment and quill in hand.

The second-years nodded and smiled. "We'll look into it."

Elli looked at the group and smiled. "This is going to be a good year."

September 3rd, 1988. Hogwarts.

September third saw this year's students collecting their school supplies and preparing for Monday. This was going to be a very exciting school year.

September 4th, 1988. Hogwarts.

Enraged shouts sounded from every corner of the castle. Students from every house and every year shouted as they noticed they were missing things.

One first-year Slytherin grinned from ear to ear as he left the owlery. He had just sent off a letter of utmost importance.

The staff at Hogwarts were startled by the various shouts. Most of the professors let out a cry of "Peeves!"

Peeves the Poltergeist felt a shiver go through him before going back to swimming in the first-floor boy's toilet.

Many of the inhabitants of Hogwarts wore a frown that day, all except one first-year Slytherin. They all went to bed that night with a frown on their faces and woke up the next morning with the remains of a frown on their faces.

September 5th, 1988. Great Hall, Hogwarts. 7:10 AM.

Students ranging in age from eleven to eighteen slowly walked into the Great Hall, rubbing the sleep from their eyes and yawning. Their robes were pristine and every hair was in place.

The older girls sat down at the table to continue putting on their makeup while the younger girls came in doing each other's hair. The boys slumped down in their seats and rested their heads on their crossed arms.

The first years scurried into the Great Hall and frowned at their upper-year housemates. They shrugged their shoulders and sat down while they waited for breakfast to begin.

The professors stood at their respective places at the Head Table. Headmaster Dumbledore walked into the room, a smile on his face and a twinkle in his too blue eyes. Four second-years held in a gasp as they looked at those eyes.

With Dumbledore's arrival, the professors all sat down and breakfast foods appeared on the tables. The students began to dish up breakfast for one another.

All of the Hogwarts ghosts floated in and out of the Great Hall, smiling at the students and the professors. The first years shied away from the daunting seventh years while all of the second through sixth years talked amicably.

It had been a long time since Madame Pompfrey had seen a display like this.

She looked at Pomona Sprout and smiled. "Makes you wonder who'll rise to the challenge and become Prefects, Head Boy, and Head Girl. Have your lesson plans for the year done?"

Pomona turned to Poppy and the two ladies smiled. The Head of Hufflepuff House and Medi-witch of Hogwarts had been friends for most of their adult lives but rarely got to enjoy their unstrained friendship. The two looked over the Great hall and at all of the students. "Let's hope we can save all of the poor souls."

Poppy nodded. "Let there not be a repeat of the fiasco that started fifty years ago."

The two women nodded and shook hands while Lady magic saw to it that their wish would come true.


And there we go. The start of the school year, we're going to jump from here to the first trial.

See you all next week for the trial of September 15th, The Wizarding World and Hermione Granger v. Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

Ta-ta for now,


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