Jack in the Pulpit (aka Jack)

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July 24th, 1988. Potter Manor. Harry Potter. 12:24 AM.

I stared down at my lap, the blood on my lip had started drying. I couldn't believe they had snapped. I couldn't believe what had happened.

July 23rd, 1988. Potter Manor. Harry Potter. 11:45 PM.

I was sitting in the library, a copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm open in my lap. My eyes covered every word, the information within transferring to my brain.

I heard the doors to the library open and I glanced over to see who just opened the door. Upon seeing that it was James and Lily Potter, I slipped the book into my Expandable Pouch (a gift from Mrs. and Mr. Tonks for Christmas) and sat up straight. "Can I help you with anything?"

James Potter sneered at me, a fire hidden deep within those hazel eyes. Lily Potter looked at me with indifference, a deep-seated hatred in her eyes that so similarly resemble my own.

"What are you doing?" Lily growled an angry flush spread across her face.

"Just reading," I picked up a copy of Quidditch Through the Ages and turned the cover to face them, "anything else I can help you with?"

James grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the chair. "Merlin's saggy balls! We both know you weren't." He sneered in my face and dragged me into the hallway. "Tell me what you were doing you slimy little snake."

I had barely opened my mouth when James' hand connected with my face. I stared at him wide-eyed and he shoved me into the wall. His hands, now fists, connected with my ribs and my sides before I slid down the wall. He kicked my gut and I fell onto my side. He kicked me again and again, his foot connecting with my abdomen and my chest and my face.

Lily came up behind him and pulled him off. "Stop. You can't do this. Not again." She grabbed his face and pulled him to look at her. "Let's go." She pushed him away before she delivered one swift kick to my face. The two of them left the hallway and went to their chambers.

I staggered up and leaned on the wall. I followed the wall to my chamber (which was in a completely different part of the manor than Lord and Lady Potter's chambers) and stumbled through the slightly open door.

July 24th, 1988. Potter Manor. Harry Potter. 12:28 AM.

I wiped at my eyes, the tears kept coming and I eventually just let it happen. I shook my head, I needed to get out of here. I stood up and pulled a muggle suitcase out of the back of my closet. I put the suitcase on my bed and opened it before I started putting clothes in it. I only took my more comfortable clothes, knowing that nobody here would miss me much. When I had built up a small layer of clothes on the bottom of the suitcase I pulled out a rucksack with an extendable charm on it. I shoved more clothes into the rucksack before I ventured out of my chambers to go to the portrait room.

I walked into the room, a smile lifting the corners of my lips at the sight of the portrait of my Great Aunt Cassiopeia. I saw a smile grace her face and speed-walked over to her.

"Oh, my darling little firecracker." Great Aunt Cassiopeia smiled at me, her hand coming to the front of the painting.

I put my hand against hers and smiled. "We're getting out of here Opeia. Tonight." I pulled my hand back and gently removed her portrait from the wall. "We're going to go to Pollux's granddaughter's house. Because Lily and James beat me again. Because I know if I don't leave tonight James will sneak into my bedroom and assault me." I sniffled and felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Oh kohë e mirë*." She said in a soft tone, her eyes softening.

"It's, it's okay." I forced a smile. "I promise."

I returned to my room and set Opeia's portrait on my bed, leaning up against the wall. I took the clothes out of my suitcase and lined the bottom with books before putting the clothes back into the suitcase. I gently placed Opeia's portrait on top of the clothes.

"I have to close the suitcase now. I promise I'll bring you out as soon as we get to Pollux's granddaughter's house. I pinkie swear." I told Opeia and slowly closed the suitcase before putting it into my rucksack. I looked around my room before grabbing a second suitcase and shoving all of my knick-knacks, writing supplies, books and assorted things into it. I closed it and picked it up by the handle. I walked out of the room and didn't look back as I walked to the kitchen.

I smiled at the House Elves, Lissy and Winky, and gave them both a hug. "I'll miss you." I looked down at the floor before looking back up. "Unless you want to come with me? Because I'm technically still the Potter Heir and I could take you away from the rest of them."

They smiled at me and nodded and together the three of us walked out of Potter Manor.

July 24th, 1988. LeStrange Manor, Bellatrix's Chambers. Bellatrix Black. 12:35 AM.

I bolted upright and gasped. I put a hand on my chest and looked around the room. I was trying to figure out what woke me up when I felt the magic deep within me stir. This time, I had a better understanding of what was happening and I didn't freak out completely.

July 24th, 1988. LeStrange Manor, Bellatrix's Chambers. 12:38 AM.

A bright flash of green light enveloped the woman, the second of six barriers breaking as she frowned. She was remembering more and more.

July 24th, 1988. Tonks Home. 1:14 AM.

The Tonks home had seen more action in the last week than it had in a long time. Just a week ago a pale-haired boy and his six House Elves had shown up and the Tonks immediately took him in. The boy fell into their arms and cried.

This week, a dark-haired boy timidly knocked on the front door. Flanking him were two House Elves, scarlet bows adorning their outfits. The two looked down at the bows and changed them to be the exact shade of green as their kind new Master's eyes.

Andromeda Tonks opened her front door, blinking the sleep from her eyes. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Tonks?" Harry sniffled and looked up at her.

"Harry, sweetheart. You know you can call me Andromeda. Come in, come in. Let's get you out of the cold." Andromeda opened her arms to her second cousin, though neither acknowledged it.

Harry went into Andromeda's open arms. The two had their eyes closed so they didn't see the red glowing light surrounding Harry's chest and abdomen, but Lissy and Winky did. They saw the light surrounding their Master and shared a look. He wasn't the Potter Heir in the first place.

Harry was led into the bedroom that Draco was currently residing in and crawled into bed with him. The two cuddled all night with their eight House Elves talked.

It was only a matter of time before someone discovered what Lord Potter and Lord Malfoy had done to the two boys who at the fragile age of eleven shouldn't have gone through what they had.



It's been a while but we have an update. It's fairly long, by my previous standards, and about average for my standards now. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and yes. According to some sources Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa are second cousins with Harry Potter. Due to their (great)grandparents, Dorea Black and Pollux Black, being siblings. So, canonically Draco and Harry are third cousins.

Ta ta for now,


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