Auror Eugene Inkwood of the Department of Family Affairs

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July 28th, 1988. Mr. Inkwood's Office, Ministry, Diagon Alley, Magical London, Britain, England. 9:37 AM.

Mr. Inkwood's office was decorated plainly, reflecting his average status in his department and his average outlook on life. Nothing extraordinary had ever happened in Eugene Inkwood's life; as he was born the second son he was to remain Heir Inkwood, not Lord, until such a time when his brother had his heir. Eugene had had average grades while at Hogwarts and had graduated with enough OWLs and NEWTs to allow him to work anywhere in the Ministry and yet, much to his mother's dismay, he had chosen to work in the Department of Family Affairs. His father, a muggle-born wizard, was proud of his son and had sent him a framed picture.

That framed picture was the only personal item on his desk, and he cherished that picture. The picture was taken with a muggle camera, and it showed the two of them with their arms thrown around each other's necks with his NEWTs results displayed proudly in their outstretched hands. Eugene's father was smiling in the picture, and Eugene could see the proud looks on his grandparents' faces from the other side of the camera lens. His father and paternal grandparents had passed shortly after he had taken the office, they were the victims of the Birmingham Pub bombings in November of 1974. He gently picked up the photo and smiled at the smiling face of his father.

Eugene looked up at the sound of a knock on his door. "Come in." He called, after setting his picture back down on his desk and straightening out his tie.

A family with five children walked through his door and settled themselves into the plush tan loveseat across from his desk. The father, a rather stocky fellow with a rather big belly and fair hair, sat on the end of the loveseat closest to the door. He looked around the room, taking in the different things on the walls.

Eugene looked at them, the family with five children, and began to notice inconsistencies. The oldest looking girl was the parents' but the other four were not theirs. He plastered a smile on his face and looked to the father.

"What can I help you with today?" Eugene smiled a tight smile and looked between them all. "What brings you seven here today?"

The mother, a woman with dark hair and darker eyes, smiled a sad smile at Eugene. "I'm Andromeda Tonks, this is my husband Edward Tonks, and we're here to see what we can do about being the temporary guardians of children."

Eugene looked at them, seeing the five children clinging to each other and looking terrified, and nodded. "Have you gone to Gringotts and begun the proper paperwork?"

A house-elf popped into the room and handed Eugene the paperwork before the house-elf popped out of the room. Eugene began to look over the paperwork and with each word grew increasingly more somber. When he finished looking over the paperwork, he set it on top of his desk with a heavy sigh. He cradled his head in his hands for a moment before looking over the Tonks trio and the four extra children.

"What I just read was very troubling, and very concerning. I take it you only just learned about their treatment, Mr. and Mrs. Tonks."

Ted and Andromeda nodded, their arms going around the children, and shared a scared look before looking back at Eugene.

"What I can start today-" Eugene began before a second house-elf popped into the room and handed him some more paperwork. Eugene quickly skimmed through the information before sighing again. He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked back to the Tonks family. "What I can start today is moving for Amelia Bones to begin the proceedings. If she feels the same way I do about this, you will receive something in the post sometime in the next week. Madame Bones will ask to speak to the children, all of them considering their own cases. She will need you, to tell the truth, or consent to having your memories viewed by the court. She just wants what's best for you."

The Tonks family nodded before Andromeda spoke up, "The goblins at Gringotts, specifically head goblin Agate and Blordak, mentioned them being able to freeze their biological parents' access to their accounts and add Ted and I. Is there anything you can do?"

Eugene looked at the family, the desperate looks on their faces tugging at his heart. He nodded, knowing what he can do. "I can bury the paperwork, keep them digging until they get their summons. It will take a while until the trials because it's not technically criminally inclined. The children should hear from Madame Bones within the first term of Hogwarts, at the very latest a week before they leave for the Yuletide break. I believe the children are all returning to your home for Yule Mister and Missus Tonks?"

Ted and Andromeda nodded their heads. Their expressions mirrored each other, almost as though without thinking about it. Their child, the oldest girl, shifted her facial features to resemble them both, abandoning the almost fluorescent pink hair she had when she walked into Eugene's office. Eugene looked at them, saw the almost instinctual way they all held each other.

"I can almost assure you that there is no way the biological parents are getting the kids back. Madame Bones will do everything in her ability to see justice served." Eugene leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his desk. "Madame Bones, the goblins and I will do everything in our abilities to protect the children and keep them in your care."

The Tonks family shared a look of relief and smiled at Eugene. "Thank you so much." Ted stood up to grasp Eugene's hand and gave it a firm shake.

Andromeda smiled at Eugene, tears filling her eyes. "Thank you, so so much Mr. Inkwood."

Nymphadora smiled at him, before wrapping her arms around as many of her friends as she could while they wrapped their arms around the others in return. The five children held each other, sharing comfort in the form of a tight embrace.

With a final handshake between Ted and Eugene, Andromeda and Ted lead the children out of the office and into the marble-tiled hallway.

Eugene magicked the door shut and collapsed into his chair. He pushed the rolling chair away from his desk and hung his head in his hands. He shook his head and sighed. "What did I get myself into?" He questioned, looking up into the ceiling. "Dear Merlin, what did I just get myself into? Please, Lady Magic, protect those four children from what is coming to them in such a way that they learn but do not suffer the hardships involved."


This week's chapter is shorter than last week's but it is filled with information. What do you think will happen in next week's chapter?

What time will we see next week? When will justice see the light of day for our favourite little snakes, raven, and badgers?

Ta-ta for now,


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