Hyacinth (or the one with the Bank)

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July 28th, 1988. Gringotts Bank, Diagon Alley, Magical London, Britain, England. 9:00 AM.

Andromeda Tonks walked into Gringotts, the four children living with her behind her and her husband. She could feel their magic entwining with her own, and smiled. She walked up to the first free teller and smiled at them. "Hi, I'm Andromeda Tonks, was Black, and I was wondering if I could talk to someone about a private matter."

The teller looked at Andromeda, seeing the signature crazy Black hair. "I can see if Blordak is free."

"Thank you."

The goblin went to the back, slipping behind a closing door. Andromeda looked at the four kids, each one unique and different. She turned back to the desk when she heard the door open and close again.

"Blordak will see you now Mrs. Tonks." The teller said, before motioning for the wizards to follow him back through the door.

The six wizards followed the goblins back to an office marked "Blordak". "Blordak will see you." He knocked on the door and pushed it open after hearing a noncommittal grunt.

The wizards walked into the office, their spirits low.

"Hello. How may I help you tod- Ms. Black. It's a pleasure."

Andromeda smiled. "Hey, Blordak. It's Mrs. Tonks these days." She looked at her husband and children. "This is Blordak, he's been in charge of my accounts since I started earning my own money. Blordak this is my husband Ted, our daughter Nymphadora, and her friends. The girl is Hermione Granger, the blond is Heir Draco Malfoy and the ravenet is Heir Harry Potter. They all came to Ted and I under great duress. Heirs Potter and Malfoy only talk at home and Ms. Granger withstood psychological abuse at her own house and came to us this morning."

Blordak looked over the children, the boys who seemed to cling to each other and the girl with uncontrollable hair they all had their eyes trained on the ground and hadn't looked up once.

He was about to open his mouth when the three children's heads snapped up and were out the door at the sound of someone shouting. The Tonks followed after them, Blordak not far behind.

"Why can't you be more like your father/mother?!" Two adults yelled at their son who cowered behind an older woman.

"Gran, make them stop." The boy whimpered.

"Frank! Stop yelling at the boy!" She yelled at the man, her anger rising with every hate-filled glance thrown at her small, plant-loving grandson. "He is your son and as such you will treat him with the respect that you learned as a child."

Andromeda looked at the couple, seeing their murderous intent and walked into their line of sight. "Frank. Alice." She regarded them coldly. "Augusta how lovely to see you."

Augusta smiled at Andromeda. "How lovely to see you too."

The boy cowering behind her legs looked up at Andromeda before looking around to see the children. He scrambled over to his friends and the five turned into themselves.

Andromeda turned back to the Longbottoms. "If you don't mind I will be taking Neville for the rest of the summer."

Alice and Frank started to protest before they looked into Andromeda's eyes. Staring back at them were two pools of firey hot caramel that they were afraid would burn them alive.

"You needn't tell them, Andromeda. I am the Head of House for House Longbottom until a time when I die or see that Frank has grown up." Augusta smiled at her then before turning to the children. "Sweet one? Do you want to stay with the Tonks and your friends for the rest of the summer?"

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