Shopping in Diagon Alley (or the one Where Andromeda and Ted are Best Parents)

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Quick A/N

Okay, so, you'll notice an OC appear in this chapter. He is best boi. Feel free to PM me your OC submissions (we still need so many (they can be anywhere from Bill's age to the age of the twins)).

But for now, let's get on with the story.

August 6th, 1988. Tonks Home. 8:30 AM.

Andromeda crawled out of her warm bed, slipped her feet into her fuzzy slippers and padded her way down to her kitchen. She started her coffee maker and pulled out her favourite mug. She smiled at what used to be a plain white coffee mug but now was charmed to reflect her mood. She set it down on the counter next to her coffee maker as she danced her way to the fridge. She opened it and shimmied as she reached in to grab the coffee creamer. She closed the refrigerator with her hip and danced back over to the counter. By then her coffee had brewed just enough for her to pour a cup and put the pot back onto the machine. She stirred in some creamer and sugar and continued to dance to the Weird Sisters song on loop in her head. She started drinking her coffee.

She set her nearly empty mug down and began cleaning up the mess left from last night's party. She set everything into its rightful place before returning to her coffee. She drank two cups of coffee before Ted came down to join her in drinking coffee.

The two shared some coffee and some light conversation before they started cleaning the rest of the downstairs.

August 6th, 1988. Tonks Home. 9:05 AM.

Andromeda and Ted were amicably discussing their favourite muggle telly program, Doctor Who. They smiled at each other and turned to look at the stairs at the sound of footsteps coming towards them.

Nymphadora stumbled down the stairs, her hair a mess of curls and various streaks of browns, blacks, and platinum blondes. Her feet adorned in fuzzy gray slippers while the oversized Hufflepuff Quidditch shirt she wore for pajamas was charmed to not slip completely off her shoulder. She walked into the kitchen and got out a glass, in which she poured whatever type of juice it was they had in the fridge into her glass. She walked over and joined her parents in the dining room, drinking her juice as her parents drank their coffee.

Shortly after Nymphadora walked into the dining room, Neville and Hermione walked down the stairs, both sporting Slytherin themed sleepwear. They wore yellow and cerulean slippers, respectively. They walked into the dining room, matching smiles on their faces. They started talking with Nymphadora, striking up a careful conversation. Nymphadora slung her free arm around Neville's shoulders and smiled at her underclassmen.

A few minutes later, the last two parts of the family walked into the dining room, Harry in Ravenclaw themed sleepwear while Draco was in Hufflepuff themed sleepwear. They both wore emerald slippers and their hair, which was most certainly not a respectable length for pureblooded heirs such as themselves, was pulled back in two identical braids.

Andromeda smiled at the five kids, knowing they'd protect each other no matter what. She nudged Ted and motioned to the kids before they shared a smile. This was going to be one interesting day.

August 6th, 1988. Gringotts, Diagon Alley, Magical London, Britain, England. 10:45 AM.

Lords and Ladies Potter, Longbottom, and Malfoy walked into Gringotts bank, each going to a separate teller. Lords Potter, Longbottom and Malfoy smiled at the goblins while their wives busied themselves getting the vault keys out of their clutches.

The goblins, Argor, Karrig and Errat, looked at the wizards and the keys the witches handed them. The goblins ran the vault keys through the system and saw the keys come back as belonging to vaults owned by Heirs Potter, Longbottom and Malfoy. The goblins shared a look before a sinister grin spread across their faces.

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