October, Again

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As everyone knows, I don't write about the classes, however, it's necessary for this one instance for us to sit in on a class. Second-year, All Four Houses, Potions. Presided over by Professor Severus Tobias Snape.

Keep in mind, this will in no way reflect the characters' actual actions as written in the Harry Potter series. 


Just a quick room I made: https://livingspaces.roomstyler.com/rooms/34888245/ror-version-1-living-room

Without further ado,

On with the story.

October 7th, 1988. Potions Classroom, Dungeons, Hogwarts Castle. 1:15 PM.

The roughly forty second years sat quietly behind their cauldrons. Professor Snape stood at the front of the room, his ever-present sneer on his face as he looked at the congregation of dunderheads. He rolled his eyes and bit out a harsh bark of a laugh.

"Potter! Return to your seat and leave Mr. Malfoy alone." The two boys, their hair dark reddish-brown with black and blonde tips respectively, jumped apart and sat in their respective seats.

Hermione shot up, her gaze a blazing hot glare at the Professor as she walked over to her Slytherins.

"Ms. Granger! Return to your seat this instance."

"Sorry Professor but those two don't respond well to male figures of authority yelling at them." She came to a stop between the boys and wrapped an arm around them both. She pulled them close and whispered some encouraging words and a promise to meet them after class ended.

October 7th, 1988. Room of Requirement "Come and Go Room", 7th Floor Right Corridor, Hogwarts Castle. 2:38 PM.

Four second-years flopped down onto the couches, they were tired and wanted to enjoy their weekend.

"He's such, such a... He's so much like HIM that it disgusts me." Draco finally broke the silence.

"I know, right?" Harry agreed before pulling the Tobias grey throw over him and Draco. "Thanks for that Mi."

Neville smiled at his friends, pulled the Teegan Rust/Brown throw over him and shook his head fondly. "You're all going to give me a heart attack. Getting called out in potions of all classes." He looked at Harry and didn't see the dark reddish-brown hair and dark brown eyes with flecks of emerald green. He saw the Harry he had met over a year ago, with his crazy black hair and impossibly green eyes. "What were you doing when he yelled at you?"

Draco flushed and leaned against Harry in support. "I was having a bad day, our housemates suck and it's worse when my godfather is our Head of House because he probably hates me as much as my parents."

Harry and Hermione wrapped their arms around the boys and held them close. It was times like this when they wished Mrs. Tonks was their mother.

October 7th, 1988. Tonks Home, London, England, Britain. 4:00 PM.

Bellatrix walked up the small paved walk to her sister's house, she'd been invited for tea. Neither of her sisters had had anything to do with her since they'd all gotten married. She raised her hand to knock on the door before looking down to make sure everything was covered.

She was wearing a high-necked, long-sleeved black Muggle top that went down past her hips and a pair of high-waisted dark denim jeans that somehow still went passed her ankles. She wore a pair of dark trainers on her feet and her hair was down. She absentmindedly brought her other hand up to her hair for a moment before she shook herself out of it. She finally brought her hand to the door to knock and smiled when it opened to reveal her sister.

Andromeda looked her big sister over and reflexively tightened her hands at the almost terrified look on her sister's face. She smiled and threw her arms around Bella, pulling her into a warm hug. Andromeda tried not to focus on the flinch her sister gave but led her into the house, closing the door with her foot. She led the much thinner woman to the living room and sat her down on the couch.

"I'll be just a moment getting the tea. I should've cleaned better but for now, I'm going to ask that you stay in the living room. Just until I can actually get the kids' stuff back in their rooms. Okay?"

Bellatrix nodded and shot Andy a smile before she ducked into the kitchen. "Wait. Did you say kids? I thought you only had the one, Nym-something or other."

Andy laughed as she brought the tray with the kettle, tea, cream, sugar, and cups into the living room. "Nymphadora. Yes, I only have the one but I seem to have taken in our nephew, Heir Potter, Heir Longbottom, and young Miss Granger." Andy shot her sister a smile and placed the tray on the coffee table.

Bella nodded and smiled.

"Enough about the kids. How're you?" Andy sat across from her sister and made her a cup of tea.

Bella accepted the cup and shrugged. She took a long drink of the sweet nectar and smiled. "I'm fine. How's Ted?"

Andy smiled at her sister. "Ted's good, loves what he does. Seriously Bells, how are you?"

Bella smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm fine."

Andy frowned and set her teacup down on the coffee table. "It's obvious you're not! You haven't been since you married him!" She looked at her sister, her big strong sister, and she saw Narcissa reflected back at her. "You let him hit you? Like Mom hit Cissa? You let him strike you?!"

Bella sprang up, her eyes alight with fury. "Don't you dare talk to me like that! I am your elder sister and as such you will respect me!"

"You haven't been my big sister since you married Rodolphus Bloody Lestrange!!"

"You know I would never have married him!!! I never would have married him!" Bella sunk back down onto the couch, her hands going to her mouth. "I never would have married him..."

Andy looked at her sister, her eyes full of shock. "You never would have married him."

The two sisters fell back onto the couches, twin looks of shock on their faces.

A knock on the door drew their attention and Bellatrix flinches away from the sound. "It's him. He's mad."

Andy drew herself up to her full height, a meager six inches over five feet tall, and walked to the door. She screwed her face up in a scowl and opened the door, which conveniently opened to hide the living room, to reveal her brother-in-law.

Rodolphus Lestrange stood on her front step, a scowl on his face. "Where is she?"

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"My wife."

"You'll have to elaborate. You've screwed so many girls."

Rodolphus drew his wand and had begun to say a curse, when the Auror's descended on him.

"Rodolphus Lestrange you're under arrest for breaking the Statute of Secrecy and almost exposing the Wizarding World and its secrets to Muggles."

Rodolphus was carted away to await trial. Bellatrix could breathe easy for the first time in a decade.


I know this was supposed to be the trial of September 15th. I forgot until this was almost done. We'll see the trial next week. Until then, how did this make you feel? Could you understand Andromeda's anger?

Oh well. This'll be a fun year for the kiddos.

Ta-ta for now,


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