The Wizarding World and Hermione Granger vs. the Grangers

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As promised, the trial of September 15th. Hermione will not be alone, she'll have Andy and Ted with her, as they're great parents. As soon as it's over, no matter the decision, she will be carted back to Hogwarts so she can be in the careful and loving embrace of her best friends.

Without further ado,

On with the story.

September 15th, 1988. Ministry, Magical London, Britain, England. 10:15 AM.

Hermione Granger sat next to Madame Bones and Auror Inkwood in the front of the courtroom. She knew this room was set up this way because her parents were muggles, but she hated how it looked, how plain and clinical it was.

She turned to look as the doors were pushed open and her parents marched in as though they owned the place. She shrunk back behind the two adults to her right and felt Andy and Ted put comforting hands on her shoulders. She placed her own hands on top of theirs and shot them a look of gratitude. She straightened her shoulders and stayed close enough to them so they could continue to offer her their support.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger sat down on the right side of the room, a young wizard sitting down as far to the left of the table as he could. He looked as though he couldn't believe THIS was what he was doing with his morning. It was almost as though he was actually TRYING to bomb this case.

The judge, a member of the Wizengamot named Griselda Marchbanks, sat across the room from the two tables.

She straightened the papers on the desk and looked to the wizards acting as bailiffs, whatever those were, with a tight smile. She looked to the wizards sitting before her and passed a warm smile to the young witch sitting to her right. "The day is Thursday, September fifteen of the year 1988. The time is 10:30 in the morning, let the proceedings begin."

Madame Bones smiled and stood up. "Thank you, Madame Marchbanks." She turned to look at the two wizards, young Aurors who had only been on the job for a couple of months, standing in as bailiffs to keep up appearances for the muggles in the room. "As I'm sure everyone in the room knows why we're here today-"

Mr. Granger slammed his hands down onto the table and stood up, knocking his chair over in his anger. "My wife and I do NOT know why we're here!"

"Sit down Mr. Granger, you as well Madame Bones. While I read the charges." She waited for the two to sit back down before she cleared her throat and looked at those in the room who knew exactly what was going on. "The defense, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, are charged with child neglect, abuse of a child, abuse of a young witch, and continued destruction of a young witch's psyche."

Mr. and Mrs. Granger shook with anger, their expressions were cold and full of anger. Mr. Granger's countenance screwed up in an angry scowl as he stood again and jabbed his finger at Griselda. "I don't know what that little bitch is saying but we never touched her!"

Hermione froze, her body shaking in fear, and Andy and Ted flew into action. They quickly walked over to their second daughter and scooped her up into their arms. They held the small girl close to their hearts and rocked with her while Auror Eugene Inkwood stood up, straightened out his robes and cleared his throat.

"With this display of hostility towards young Ms. Granger, the Ministry moves to remove Ms. Granger from the care of her parents and place her with the Tonks who, after such a display of love towards the young child, will take care of her and have only her best interests in heart. We at the Ministry swear to check up on the child at regular intervals, should our request be granted."

Griselda looked between the two tables, her face neutral but her eyes holding disdain for the Muggle couple. She looked to the young girl and saw how upset she truly was. She raised the gavel before bringing it back down a few times. "This court believes that all that needs to be said has been said, and I, acting in the best interest of young Ms. Granger, believes the best course of action for Ms. Granger is for her to remain in the care of the Tonks. Auror Inkwood will be the one to check on the family and Madame Bones will be informed of every visit. The court adjourns."

Ted and Andy looked at each other, sharing a quick kiss before they hugged their second daughter close. "You're safe now."

Mr. and Mrs. Granger erupted in anger and the young Aurors had to intervene before anything serious happened.

September 15th, 1988. Hogwarts, Scotland. 1:10 PM.

Nymphadora's younger siblings, because that's what they were even if they weren't technically her siblings, were on their way to their classes. Draco and Harry on their way to Herbology while Neville was on his way to History of Magic when they saw her. The three boys ran to their sister, as she ran to them. The four hugged as though they hadn't seen each other for years. They went off to the Room of Requirement, knowing that was where they'd be able to get the most done.

Hermione, Neville, Draco and Harry collapsed in on themselves, holding each other as though they'd be forced apart. They knew they needed to be there for each other after everything. This was only the beginning of the trials that would set the children free.

September 15th, 1988. Deputy Headmistress's Office, Hogwarts, Scotland. 1:10 PM.

Minerva looked over the letter in her hands written by Andromeda Tonks excusing her youngest children from the rest of their classes that day. She let a smile cross her face knowing that Ms. Granger would be called out of classes at some point to become Ms. Tonks.

She sent a Patronus message to Professors Sprout and Binns to let them know that their students wouldn't be able to attend their lessons that day and to send their homework with a housemate for the four. It was going to be a good day.


Okay guys, who should be next? Because all of the boys' parents will be getting Wizengamot trials because they know of the magic judicial system.

I'm sorry for how long it's been since the last update, I've been really obsessed with the Miraculous Ladybug fandom (have even written some fics myself (and posted them on my AO3 account of the same name)) and got sidetracked. I'm still really sorry for not posting anything lately, and this is the update. We might get a new update next week at the normal time. Until then, let me know which boy should be next.

Ta-ta for now,


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