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     Angel Janet. Many words can describe this girl, mainly being: chaotic. Angel lived her life as reckless as she possibly could. Being at such a young age with nothing to do except drugs, sex, and listen to the greatest fucking music of all time. Who could really blame her?

☆Angel's POV☆

      Tonight was the night. My very first concert. Excited is a large understatement towards my emotions currently. I'm ecstatic, the feelings you get after a roller coaster, a feeling only as similar to an orgasm. Not only was Aerosmith my favourite band, but I got fucking floor seats!

       The time is 7:30, and the concerts starts at 9:00, after finishing the last of my joint, I take a swig of my special occasion jack, I savoured the taste as the harsh liquid burnt my throat, I felt the buzz tingling throughout my body as I stood up and looked at my self in the mirror.

"Fuck I'm hot." I chuckled at my remark towards myself.

      I sloppily applied my makeup, and rushed some red lipstick onto my chapped lips. I combed my fried, hair quickly.

      Living in the early 80s really limited the things you could've done in life. Whilst the other girls wore bright clothing, and spandex. My clothing consisted of my black boots, some sort of see through shirt, and of course, my leather jacket. I typically enjoyed expressing my creativity through my hair, badly bleached and damaged with some sort of sloppy kool aid coloring. I'm typically the type of person that could give a shit of what I look like, hair is hair. But of course it didn't hurt to look presentable, well at least acceptable.

      I finished my "makeover", and sped downstairs to greet my wonderful mother. Quite usually, a teenager like me would hate my mom, but quite honestly I'm just glad my mom doesnt hate me. I'm the embodiment of what you wouldn't want for a daughter, but she still manages to support and love me. I believe the only reason she finds hope in me, was because she was just like me, young, reckless and living life in the fast lane. Well until she had me, she settled down and raised a child alone, and I will forever be grateful for her.

"Hello mommy!" I expressed, hugging her back.

"Hello my beautiful Angel, shouldn't you be heading for the concert now?" She turned to me.

"Not without saying goodbye to the most beautiful lady on Earth." I replied, kissing her cheek and heading for the door.

"Goodbye, I love you, baby!"


I watched from outside of the bus window tiredly when I realized that I have arrived at the venue. My heart beat increased dramatically as I pulled the stop and hopped off.
I checked the time and realized I had an extra half an hour until the concert starts, so I went to the bar directly across the street from the venue.

      The bar was packed, probably due to the large amount of fans awaiting the concerts. I sat on the bar stool and ordered myself some Jack when I felt eyes watching me from across the bar. I looked up and saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my life. His hair was monstrous, with a gaze that only the most willing would dare to look into, his focused stare dived deep into my soul. The arrival of my drink pulled me out of my gaze. I blushed nervously, I continued to feel his eyes on my skin and quite frankly, the staring was getting quite uncomfortable. If he wanted sex, he could've gotten sex, his stratedgy currently was just leaving me not only confused, but strangely attracted.

     A few minutes had passed, I didn't dare to look into his eyes again. But once I noticed many people in the bar were beginning to head inside the venue, I took my bottle and left with the crowd.

I'm sorry if this was bad, this was my first book. ALSO, happy birthday to the man I've written this book about, the day I wrote this is also coincidentally slash's birthday.

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