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☆Slash's POV☆
As soon her bleached head walk through the bar doors, I knew she had a presence that could control a whole room. I was drawn to her, like a moth to a flickering light bulb, every inch of my body knew I had to be with this girl. The way her eyes glimmer in the street light, they way she could give a shit about anybody in this world, it was as if I met my very soul mate.

We walked beside one another, exploring the dirty LA streets. Not one of us saying a word, enjoying the comfortable silence. I watched her study each crack in the side walk, as if she counted each one carefully.
"Do you live around here?" She questioned.
"Yeah, 10 minutes away, I'd say. I live with my band mates though. Wanna come by?"
"I dont think my mom expects me home anytime soon anyway." She replied, a small smile forming at the thought of her mother.
I nod in understanding as I lead the way to our crappy apartment.

As we walked, we gazed at the sun rising. The thought of spending the entirety of the night with the woman of my dreams was a feeling I thought a man like me would never encounter.
"Want some?" She asked, a cigarette hanging between her delicate fingers.
"I love some." I smiled as form of thank you, taking a hit from the lipstick stained cigarette.


After a joyous amount of talking, and walking we arrived to our destination. I lead her through the doors, and pressed the button to the elevator.
"What are your friends like?" She asked nervously, hands playing with eachother.
"Well... Steven has been my bestfriend since childhood, hes real ride to be around with." She released a small grin at the thought of him.
"Izzy is what I'd say the most responsible of the band, frankly he drank and did drugs like the rest of us, but he had the ability to stay calm and to himself." I described.
"Duff is tall, and overall a real cool guy that likes vodka."
"Sounds like we'd get along." She laughs.
"Axl is... A gamble. One minute he could be the nicest guy in the world, but the next he can be the biggest asshole in the universe." I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose with my fingers.
"Oh..." Her smiling stopped at the thought of meeting him.
"Dont worry, if he does anything to you, I'll kick his ass." I warned, she smiled gratefully as the elevator came to a stop.

☆Angel's POV☆
I nervously walked out of the elevator with slash, holding onto his hand tightly. As we stepped out I was bombarded with the familiar smell of alcohol and cigarettes. We walked towards the door, with it already being unlocked. My eyes were greeted with the sight of four men sitting in the living room. A man, I could only assume was Izzy, with dark hair, was sitting on the couch; along with a man with fiery ginger hair, his eyes snapped in our direction, angrily, Axl most likely. Another tall man with hair like mine was drinking out of a bottle, sat up against the couch, to whom I assume was Duff. The last of the four had naturally blonde hair, his eyes looked towards us as he got up from the floor, a smile on his face, so he must be Steven.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Steven asked running to Slash, in concern.
"Out with another whore it looks." Axl exclaimed.

My smile dropped as his words affected me, was I just another whore to Slash? My eyes looked towards Slash, his eyes showed guilt and anger.
"No actually I'm not Axl, this is Angel. Shes probably the coolest chick I've ever met." He said, my smile returned at the thought of Slash defending me.
"I'm Duff, and that's Izzy and Steven."
His eyes looked up and down my body as he rested his hands on my hips. Slash eyed Duff's hands as he forcefully pulled me into his arms from Duff.
"What have you two been up too all night?" Steven questioned.
"I bumped into her at the concert, and we've been making a ruckus around town ever since."
"Damn, want a blow? We've been laying around here, bored for hours." Duff asked.
"Yeah sure, yall wanna have a joint too?" I asked pulling them out of my bag.
"Wow, I love this chick!" Steven yelled, hugging me close.
"So do I." A faint whisper behind me said, I smiled knowing exactly who said it, I reached behind me and held his hand, as a sign to tell him I heard him, he replied with a tight squeeze back.

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