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☆Angel's POV☆
Everyone was in the stadium, many were cheering, some were crying, I was wasted, horny, and excited all at once. The adrenaline pumped throughout my body as I heard the music begin, and I saw my idols run on stage. They began with my favourite, back in the saddle. My body felt electric, as my hips swayed to the music, and I sang my heart out along.

Due to my drunk state I accidentally backed up into somebody behind me.
"Careful, sweetheart." A deep voice warned me, coarse hands holding onto my waist.
I looked behind me expecting some 50 year old man to be there, only to be greeted with the same dangerous eyes I was greeted with in the bar, as I looked into his eyes my confidence grew immensely.
"Haven't I seen you around here before?" I replied, honey dripping from my voice.
He chuckled lowly as his hands moved me closer towards him. Both he and I swayed to the music together, enjoying one anothers company.
"Does a gorgeous girl like you have a name?" He asked me, his fingers tangling themselves in my belt loops.
"Angel." I turned my head, and whispered into his ear, the scent of his hair was intoxicating, a dangerous scent any girl like me could easily become addicted to.
"What a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman. My names Slash" I grinned at his name, appreciating how fitting his name suited his personality.


For the entirety of the concert Slash and I were no longer communicating. Both him and I were focused on the music the amazing band in front of us provided. Our bodies were pressed up against one another as we danced, and sang like our lives depended on it.

As the concert came to a close, and the band said goodbye, I turned around and looked into Slash's hypnotic eyes.
"Now what?" I asked, a small part of me hoping the night hasn't come to an end.
"Do you have to come home?" He asked, the look on his face showed that his thoughts mirrored mine.
"Nope." I smiled happily.
"Wanna go do some bad shit?" He returned the smile.
It was as if I met my soul mate.
"Yes, please!"


The both of us left the venue, hand in hand. We had decided to check out the corner/liquor store a few blocks away from the venue.

We both separated once reaching the store, him going towards the liquor and me genuinely just looking around. I managed to stuff a few candy bars down my bra, along with some nifty sunglasses, when my eyes grazed across white spray paint on sale for $4.00. My mind was infested with ideas that we could for sure get arrested for but I snuck the spray paint into my bag.

Whilst I waited for Slash to buy his alcohol, I waited outside the corner store and had a smoke.
"Hey, pretty lady; He greeted, a bottle of Jack in his hand. "didn't get anything?"
I chuckled as I revealed the many items I stole from the corner store.
I laughed as I stood up and stole a swig from his Jack.

The two of us ran around the dark night, faces lit up from the street lights above us. We laughed drunkenly as I ran in the middle of the road and spray painted many inappropriate images all around the street. Luckily for the both of us, it was so late into the night, no cars had come to stop our shenanigans.

The two of us looked into eachother eyes, high as a kite, joints in hand. We laid in the middle of the road, watching the airplanes pass the empty L.A sky.
"Surely Slash cannot be your real name right?" I asked.
"Nope, its Saul."
"What a beautiful name for a beautiful man." I mimicked him from prior the night.
We laughed as we continued to talk about our lives to one another.
"Yeah, my friends and I have been thinking of starting a band, I play lead guitar." He admitted to me.
"That's hot, I wanna be there for the first concert. Maybe I'll meet a cute curly haired guitarist in the crowd."
"Nah, I've already taken that role." The both of us laughed.

The both of us sat up and looked at one another once again, when I felt myself slowly leaning towards him. The both of us looked at eachother lips as we moved towards eachother. Carefully, our lips met at a soft impact, it wasnt hungrily and intense, but it was calm and it felt safe. I crawled into his lap as I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair. As the kiss went on, it slowly escalated. I felt his tongue slowly move against my bottom lip, and opened my mouth to give him further access. Whilst we fought with our tongues, I found myself captivated in how he tasted, what could only be described as, cigarettes and jack, although it wasn't a new taste, it was a taste that I couldnt get enough of. I leaned back as I let him hover over me, hoping for our kiss to escalate due to my overwhelming desire for him.

We were both so involved in one another that we didn't even notice the car in front of us, the both of us getting startled by the sudden honk of the angry driver. The two of us got off one another and quickly gathered our things and moved.
"Jesus Christ." I looked at him, adrenaline pumping throughout my body.
"I know right." He looked equally as shaken up as me.
The two of us were flooded with embarrassment as we looked away from eachother, until I began to uncontrollably laugh at the situation, soon enough slash joined in the laughter as we held onto eachother, gasping for air.

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