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☆Angel's POV☆

Three weeks had past since that night, we had decided to stay in Seattle for bit more before heading for Montreal. Occasionally I'd give Slash blowjobs when he was in the mood, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself too. By the first week I assumed it was cause I was sick, then a week passed, and then another, that's when I knew something was up with me. My period has been late, and I've been throwing up massively, when it all clicked inside of me.


I ran to the phone and called Billie. It ringed twice before he answered.


"Billie get the fuck over here now!!" I screamed in panic.

"Fuck! Ok!!" He yelled, hanging up.

My head spun as I leaned against the wall. Tears ran down my face as I thought of the horror that came upon me, how could we not use a condom?! I thought of my idiocy.

"Duff!!" I screamed, sobbing intensely.

Slash was out with Axl, having an important band meeting with their manager. Duff ran to me, panic written all over his face. He leaned down at my shaking body, sat up against the wall.

"What's wrong?!" He desperately yelled, checking me for any noticeable injuries.

"I-I fucked up so fucking bad!" I screamed crying, hiding my face in his chest, in shame.

"Angel, it can't be that bad. What did you do?!" He tried to talk to me, grabbing my face.

"I'm fucking pregnant Duff! I'm so fucking stupid!" I hysterically screamed, pounding my thighs in frustration.

Duff looked shocked, he didnt say anything, trying to process the mess Slash and I created. He knew that what we've done was terrible. He knee that this wasn't some sort of fantasy tale, and that Slash would be the happiest man on Earth. He knew what Slash was capable of in his moments he rarely had. He knew this would definitely become a moment.

"Shhh, we'll figure something out." He tried to calm me.

"What's happening?!" A frightened Billie came running to me.

"Shit Billie, everything is so fucked." Duff whispered, eyes wide.

"What's going on?!" He whispered in stress. I continued to pull on my hair, trying to rip out the guilt in shame running around my brain.

"Shes fucking pregnant man." Duff mumbled, looking down.

"Oh fuck." Billie said in shock.

I shook in agony, my face red in embarrassment. What the fuck have I done? I thought, my head was pounding, I pulled my hair in attempts to make it stop, to make all this guilt stop. I scratched at my legs, punched my thighs in anger. All while Duff and Billie looked at me, not knowing what to do.

"FUCK! FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO!" I screamed. It seemed my body couldnt handle the stress I was taking, because as soon as I finished screaming, my choked sobs suddenly stopped as I black out.


"Babe! You're awake! Duff and Billie wont tell me what fucking happened!" Slash yelled hugging me.

My brain immediately remembered what happened previously. I pushed him off of me in guilt.


"We need to talk."

I have everything planned, and I dont think you guys are fucking ready.

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