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☆Angel's POV☆
The morning had came, I woke up half an hour or so ago, Slash was still snoring loudly behind me. I had his T shirt on whilst I contemplated about our relationship. I looked at my packed suitcase beside me on the floor. The two or us were supposed to go on tour with the others by tonight. My mind spun as I thought of all that there is to think of.

'I love him so fucking much.', my heart ached in thought of him.

But that's why I can't be with him. Tears were pouring out of my eyes by this point.

"What's wrong babe?" A tired Slash looked down at me.
"I'm sorry, baby. We have to talk." My voice croaked, I patted beside me, signaling for him to sit. He sat down, grabbing my hand, looking at me concerned.

"I'm sorry. I'm breaking up with you."

"What..?" The sadness in his voice apparent,
"Was it because of last night? I'm sorry, we shouldn't have rushed ourselves." He begged, grabbing the both of my hands, kneeling in front of me.
"No, babe. I loved last night, and I love you!" I reassured him, gripping his shoulders, also kneeling.
"Then why? Why are you leaving me?" He cried, pulling me into a desperate embrace, he hugged me as if I could've left him right then and there.
"Because I love you, and I know you deserve so much more then a drug addicted, whore. Baby, you're so talented, and every part of my body knows that you're going to go big in life, and I can't let myself drag you-" I tried to explain myself before he cut me off.
"You're joking right?" He laughed, coldly. Releasing me from his arms.
"Dragging me down- babe, if anything you make me work harder! You are the most supportive, and loving girlfriend I've ever had! Besides the both of us do drugs, but either way, I know that without you, I can't survive. So please, baby. Don't do this to us!" He pleaded, giving me the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced.
"Are you sure?" I asked once more.
"I'm certain, I love you."
"I love you too!" I smiled, kissing him once more.


The night had come, Slash and I loaded all of our stuff into the van. The both of us were leaning against the van, waiting for the others to finish.

"You lovebirds ready!?" Steven asked, jumping in excitement. The two of us laughed at his energy.
"Yes we are!" I yelled back, jumping along with him.
"Goddamn, it's like we're babysitting. Calm down you kids." Duff joking said, patting my blonde hair.
"Ok dad~" I pouted, jokingly.
"Hmmm, you should be calling me daddy more often, babygirl~" Duff whispered into my ear, backing me into the van. My cheeks burned in embarrassment as I felt him grab my waist roughly.
"What the fuck man! Get off of her!" Slash yelled, pushing Duff angrily.
"I'm just joking man, I wouldn't fuck your girl. Not unless she wanted too." He winked before walking back to Axl and the others.
"What a fucking asshole, he may be my friend but I'd still beat the shit out of him." Slash mumbled in frustration.
"You're so hot when your mad." I purred, pushing his hair out of his face. Slash chuckled lowly before pinning me against the van and sucking on my bruised neck.
"Uhhhh, you guys..." Steven whined.
The two of us continued until Izzy beeped the van loudly, rolling the windows down.
"Get in the van kids! We're leaving!" He yelled, turning on the engine. The two of us hopped in the back, I was seated on Slash's lap, with Duff sitting beside me, along with Steven. Axl and Izzy where in charge of watching the road and driving.


Sorry it took so long to update. Summer has been really hectic with all my friends partying n shit. Hope you guys liked this.

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