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☆Angel's POV☆
      The ride to our next stop was long but quite entertaining. With Steven's excitement, Axl and Izzy's bickering, Duff's amazing DJ skills, and Slashs company, the ride was perfect.

     Throughout the ride, I was slowly getting know the members of band, more, and more. Steven and I shared a childlike nature, Izzy and I shared the dislike of Axl (joke hehe), Axl and I had friendly debates with one another, and Duff was slowly becoming my best friend, due to our shared interests of vodka and punk music.

      After what seemed like the 3rd hour of driving, the four of us in the back became tired of the seats and sat on the carpeted floor, in the back of the old van.

"Guess what I brought!!" Steven happily announced.

The four of us looked in his direction, interested in his sudden outburst. He when into his jacket pocket before pulling out a pretty good sized bag of coke.

      Previously before Slash and I left to the van, I explained to him my plans on becoming sober, well at least drug wise. I told him my fear of overdosing whilst on tour, and not being able to see my mom one last time. So the sight of cocaine sitting on one of Steven's cymbals already had my mouth watering. Slash nudged my shoulder, gaining my attention.

"No." He mouthed to me, warningly. I nodded understandably, as my body began to shudder in dire need of some sort of high.

"Slash wanna trade places?! I think I need a break from this grease ball!" Axl yelled from the front of the van.

"Sure!" Slash yelled, before kissing my forehead and switching places with Axl.

"Want some? He's not here anymore..." Duff asked, lifting the cymbal towards me.

        My hands shook, as I began to sweat profusely. It felt like of I didn't have at least the smallest bit, I could die. I nodded anxiously before snorting 3 or 4 lines off the cymbal. The toll my body was induring faded out as a sudden rush of adrenaline hit me.

      The four of us we're laughing loudly as I put Axls firey hair into girly pig tails. I was laughing so hard that I fell back into Duff. He squeezed my cheeks harshly as I giggled and squeezed his nose.
"Ello'" he said, in a funny nasally voice.

"What the hell is going on back there?" Slash yelled, looking back at the four of us laughing loudly.

☆Slash's POV☆

      My eyes trailed immediately to Angel's intoxicated body. She had coke all around the left side of her face. She looked up at me guilty.

"Slashyyyy! I'm so sorry!-" She sniffed, before she began to cry.

      I immediately went to the back of the van as the other guys tried to calm her down. I hugged tightly, mumbling that she was fine, and that it was ok.

"Its not ok!! I'm a fucking druggie!" She cried, gripping my T-Shirt.

      I hugged her, as I narrowed my eyes at Steven and Duff, for allowing her to snort so much. They looked away in guilt, before Steven took out some alcohol from behind some pillows we had set.

"Here, I was planning to save this but at least it'll help calm you down." He offered sheepishly, rubbing that back of his neck.

       She mumbled a thank you and proceeded to drink nearly half of the bottle. Her crying had dialled down by now, with only a few minor sniffs. I thought about how we could affectively sober Angel up without cutting her off cold Turkey.

"Maybe you can have weed and stuff, y'know at least you cant overdose on that?" I tried to reason. She nodded her head in agreement.


☆Angel's POV☆

      After the incident, Steven joined Izzy in the front seat. Everyone in the back had already fallen asleep, with me on top of Slash and my legs stretched out on top of Duff, and Axl. I felt both Duff and Slash's hands rested on my inner thigh, I didnt really mind though, as it brought more heat to my cold body. The four of us were sound asleep before Steven yelled,

"We're here!"

      We all looked out the windows and saw the sight of Seattle. I had been to Seattle once before, one of my ex-boyfriends and I decided to go on a road trip for a few days.

      We all unloaded our stuff from the van, and quickly ran inside the shady motel. I watched as Slash ran into the living room with Steven hanging on his back for dear life.

"So whens your first gig?" I grunted as Duff fell on my lap.

"Its in 3 days." He informed, wiggling around.

        I wrapped my arms around his waist in hope to stop his wiggling, thankfully he stopped, reaching into his pocket for a cigarette.

"Me too please!" I whined, resting my chin onto his shoulder.

      Duff laughed, before sticking a cig in between my lips  and lighting it and his. The two of us we're joking around when Slash re-entered the room with a tired face. He immediately pushed Duff onto the floor and sat on my lap instead.

"Mine." He mumbled, tiredly.

      I laughed at his jealously, as he nuzzled his head into my boobs.

"Watch it!" I giggled, lightly slapping his forehead.

"Nooooooo~" He whined, once again.

      Duff pouted sadly, sitting beside me on the couch. He gave me sad puppy eyes due to his lack of attention. I quickly moved one of my arms behind him, pulling him closer to me. He let out a happy "yay" as he nuzzled closer into my neck. Slash looked at Duff with an angry face, as if he was trying to telepathically send his threats to him. Duff simply stuck his tongue out to Slash, before continuing to cuddle into my side.

"Oh yeah?" Slash challenged, removing the cigarette from my lips, before passionately kissing me. I laughed in shock just before Duff replied.

"You think I wont?!" Duff threatened back, before going in to kiss me.

      I sat completely still as Duff kissed me gently. His lips were soft, and his hands were rested on each side of my face. Slash watched, in shock before tackling Duff to the floor, pinning his hands above his head threatening to spit in his mouth. I laughed at the two grown men, as I touched my lips in suprise.


Drama 👀👀👀

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