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☆Angel's POV☆
The two of us were sitting outside of my house, in his car. Ever since I reunited with the band I haven't really been home, other then stopping by for clothes or my toothbrush.
"Are you ready?" I asked him, holding his hand excitedly. He gave me a nervous look.
"I don't think I really have a choice now do I?" He laughed, wearily.

The two of us exited the vehicle and went towards the door. Two gentle knocks and it had already opened. My mother smiled as she hugged me tightly.
"Who's this?" She asked, curiously.
"This is Slash, my..." My introduction was cutting short as I thought of what to say, we haven't decided whether or not the two of us were dating yet, should I just-
"-Her boyfriend." He chuckled, holding my hand tightly. I looked at him lovingly as I squeezed back in return.
"Oh really now..? Well come in the two of you!" My mom yelled excitedly.
We were all seated in my small livingroom, talking about the two of us.
"So when did you two meet?" She asked.
"The night of the Aerosmith concert you bought me a ticket too." I explained.
"Y'know your father and I made love in a Led Zeppelin concert, that's how we made you! After that I never saw his face again." She laughed.
"Ew gross mom, what the fuck-"
"-Anyways, Slash what do you do for a living?"
"Erm, my friends and I have a band called Guns n' Rose's. We're getting pretty big, all of us are going on tour in two days." He explained to my star struck mother.
"Speaking of which, the whole reason I decided to introduce you to Slash today was because..., I want to go on tour with him. I know we just met recently and that its reckless, but you know me, I'm a pretty reckless person, and Slash and the other guys are wonderful, wonderful people and I know you're probably gonna say no but-" My words spilling as I desperately tried explaining myself to my entertained mom.
"You can go." She laughed, light heartedly.
"I really like them, and I'm sure you would- wait, what?"
"Sweetheart, you are my Angel. You're old enough now to make your own decisions, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I trust you to make smart decisions so whatever you choose to do I support." She held my hand lovingly, looking at both me and Slash.
"Wow! Thank you so much mom!" I yelled, hugging her tightly.
"Yes thank you very much Ms. Janet!" Slash yelled from behind me.
"But, first." She released me from our hug, looking Slash dead in the eyes.
"As much as I trust and support Angel. You must promise me to make sure she stays out of trouble, well at least not too much trouble. If I find out you let her get hurt, or even worst, you hurt my baby, I will kill you with my own hands." She threatened.
"But other than that, you make my baby happy, so I happily accept you into the Janet family. We put the "fun", in dysfunctional!" She joked.
"I promise to take care of her, and thank you." He smiled at my moms joke.

The pair continued to talk as I headed upstairs to pack. I collected my makeup, drugs, and clothes. My mind was conflicted as I thought of whether or not I should bring my guitar.
I mean, Slash would already have some but was I willing to separate from my beautiful Alexi, but come on-
"You alright up here?" Slash came, knocking on the door.
I looked at him as if I was trying to project my conflicting thoughts onto him.
"Should I take my guitar?"I asked, biting my red nails in thought.
"Sweetheart, I have hundreds of guitars for you to borrow, I think it's fine to leave this one for now." He laughed, hugging my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"But, Alexi is special. Shes my first guitar I can't just leave her." I frown, hugging his arms in return.
"Babe I know you love it-"
"-her" I corrected.
"-her, but the rest of the boys and I usually pack real light, the van can only fit so much." He reminded.
"Fine, but I'm still sad" I pouted, turning around to face him.
"You're so cute!" He pinched my cheeks, kissing me gently. I laughed, pushing him back into my bed, straddling his hips.


I looked into his eyes hungrily, his face reflecting mine. The two us hadn't gone any further than the first night we had met one another. Our teeth crashed against themselves, the both of us reaching further into eachother. He roughly flipped me over, slightly grinding his clothed member onto me. We both separated catching our breathe, when his lips found themselves on my jaw, working their way downwards to my neck. I struggled to hold my moans back as he sucked and bit down on my sensitive skin. He grabbed me by the jaw, forcing me to look into his dangerous eyes.
"I want you to moan for me, babygirl." He said, holding intense eye contact with me.
"B-but my mom-" I tried to reason, before I heard the alarm of the front door go off, meaning one thing; she left.
"Doesn't sound like shes around here anymore, princess." He laughed lowly, continuing to suck harshly on my bruised flesh. My moans were loud, echoing throughout my empty house as he grinded onto me roughly, his tight leather pants rubbing against my silk skirt. I pushed him off of my neck, his face showing concern, and confusion. I smiled at him, showing I meant well, before desperately trying to remove his shirt, and untying his leather pants. He smirked at me before removing my shirt and bra.
"God you're fucking gorgeous princess." He moaned against my collarbone, making his way down to my breasts. He licked around it before sucking and biting harshly.
"Oh God!" I moaned loudly, my body jolting in pleasure. My hips bucked up in desperate need of pleasure, as he sucked on my tits. He looked up towards me, smirking at my desperate need for his touch,
"Patience babygirl." He reminded, brushing my hair behind my ear. I nodded understandably before he continued on his work. He made his way down my body, kissing my chest, to my stomach, till he began to kiss and suck on my thighs. My vision felt as if it saw spots, my patience wearing thin due to his relentless teasing.
"Please! Please, Slash just fucking touch me I'm begging you!" I cried. He grabbed my jaw once again tightly looking back into my eyes again.
"I'm in control, princess, I get to decide when you get to be touched, not you." He spoke, lowly. I nodded in understanding as I let him continue. He roughly ripped my lace underwear off of my body, his lips made their way up into my warm entrance, kissing my throbbing clit ever so slightly. I whimpered at the small touch, tears forming in my eyes, longing for more. He licked a long stripe up my slit sucking on my slit harshly.
"Fuck, oh my God, Slash!" I cried, my hands tugging on his hair, he hummed at the feeling of his hair being pulled, the vibrations lingering on my clit.
"Slash!!" I yelled once again, crying even more.
"Look at me, babygirl." He ordered, his fingers replacing his mouth as he slowly rubbed my clit. I looked up at him with teary eyes, before he leaned into my ear,
"How about you call me daddy, instead, sweetheart?" He whispered seductively. My pussy flooded with wetness at the sound of his words.
"Yes, daddy" I moaned in his neck, as he trusted a finger into me.
"God, you're so wet princess." He groaned into my neck, adding another finger inside me.
"Daddy please fuck me!" I moaned once more.
"Beg for it babygirl." He smirked, removing his fingers, leaning back and staring at my helpless state. I whimpered at the emptiness spreading throughout me,
"Fuck me please daddy. I want you to pound my pussy until I can't walk anymore!" I begged, rubbing my thighs together, desperate for a release.
"Only because you're being a good girl." He positioned the tip of his leaking member onto my dripping pussy, looking me into the eyes.

"Are you ready?"

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