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I don't know if yall listen to green day but let's just act like they were around the same age as the band in this fanfic

☆Angel's POV☆
      The six of us were sitting around the hotel living room, passing around a burning up joint. A quiet knock was heard on the door, I nodded at Steven to go open the door as he got up grudgingly.

"Hey Angel!! You know a guy named Billie?!" Steven yelled from the hallway.

     My eyes widen, there was no way Billie was here.

"Angel babygirl!!" An excited Billie yelled, running in with his arms out.

"Holy shit Billie!!!!" I squealed in excitement.

     I immediately jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He kissed my forehead, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you babe." He laughed happily.

"Ok, ok, so who the fuck are you?!" An angry Slash yelled, ripping Billie out of my arms.

"I think I should be asking you that, asshole!" Billie yelled back, taking me back into his arms.

"You guys stop! This is Slash, my boyfriend. Slash, this is Billie, my bestfriend!" Slash smirked at Billie, whilst Billie just smiled in return, putting his hand out to shake.

"Dating my girl huh? Well nice to meet you man, Angel and I go way back." He laughed, shaking Slashs hand.

"What the fuck are you doing out in Seattle??" I asked, confused.

"The band and I are on a north America tour, it's going real good!"

"No way, are Tre and Mike here too?!" I grabbed both of his hands, in hope.

"Yea! They're off on their own right now so I went our to find you, after I head you went to Seattle with these guys."

"Wait you gotta band?" Duff asked in confusion.

"Yeah, uhhh, Green day? We ain't that big right now but we've got some good shit, you can thank good old Angel here for that." He laughed, ruffling my hair.

"Wait, what do you mean we can thank Angel?" Axl joined.

"She never told? This chick may be small, but shes got a fuck ton of talent in her. Writing the most kick ass lyrics with me when we were younger, have you guys even heard her play the guitar!?" Billie boasted like a proud parent.

       My cheeks burnt, as I looked at the floor. The band was shocked, Slash included, but he beamed in pride.

"Here, yall got a guitar?" Billie asked looking around.

      I looked up at him, shaking my head no. It had been a while since I've practiced the songs we wrote together, I didnt wanna embarrass myself in front of the boys after Billies little speech.

"Yeah man right here. It's already plugged in." Izzy said, passing him one of his guitars.

      Billie handed it to me shaking his head in reassurance. My hands shook as I took it from him, putting the strap on.

"You got this. Pulling teeth?"

      I nodded my head in agreement, getting the power chord ready.

I'm all busted up
Broken bones and nasty cuts
Accidents will happen
But this time I can't get up
She comes to check on me
Making sure I'm on my knees
After all she's the one
Who put me in this state

Is she ultra-violent?
Is she disturbed?
I better tell her that I love her
Before she does it all over again
Oh god, she's killing me!!!

     We finished the song with a bang. The band stood in shock.

"You wrote that?" Axl asked.

"Haha yeah, we wrote it after I broke his leg with my bike." I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck.

"I better tell her that I love her?" Slash asked, suspiciously.

      Billie and I looked at eachother, and immediately looked away, embarrassment rushed my body as I stepped away from him.

"Uhhh, platonic love of course!" Billie lied, looking at the ground.

"Anyway I should go, it's nice to see you babe." Billie laughed hugging me one last time.

"You too Billie. We have to hang out again, I missed you." I hugged in return.

"Of course sweetheart, I missed you too." He let go of me before walking to the door.

"Nice meeting you guys!" He yelled, closing the door behind him.

      All the boys eyes were on me, eyebrows raised in my direction.



"My girl?"


      Axl, Izzy, Steven, and Duff bombarded me with questions, about Billie and I.

"Platonic love my ass." Slash mumbled in anger.

      I quickly went and hugged him, kissing his cheeks lovingly.

"I love you so much baby." I reminded him. He smiled at me thankfully, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"But seriously, what is up with you two? I know you wouldn't like it if I had a chick doing that shit to me." He asked.

"Well, the two of us met in high school. Originally we called eachother those stupid names as a joke, since everyone thought we were together, but eventually it stuck. Although we did platonically love one another, he admitted he was in love with me and of course I loved him back, I even lost my virginity to him. But we gradually lost feelings, and decided it was best for us to stay friends. Then I dropped out, and I met you a few years later, and I know my love for you will never die." I reminded, rubbing our noses together.

       He sighed, leaning against my forehead, occasionally kissing me. When he harshly pulled me closer to him, and whispered into my ear.

"Bad girl, teasing me by wrapping your legs around him. Maybe a slut like you should be punished."

"Mmm, maybe I should?" I teased again.

      He quickly picked me up, and I wrapped around his waist. He rushed into our shared room in the hotel slamming me into the bed.

"Teasing daddy like that huh? You know I can't let that slide right babygirl?" He ran his fingers against my jaw, then forced me to look in his direction.

"I don't know, maybe you should spank me?" I teased again.

"Oh you have no idea what you're doing to me baby."


Next chapter will be smut heehee

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