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a/n- wrote this on a computer instead of my phone so it looks a lil weird i'm sorry<3

billies pov

"25." i put my arm down after answering the math question written on the board.

i let out a sigh of relief when it was the correct answer.

everything had been going well since we got rid of the footage, idas parents decided to give up looking and ida i guess just stopped caring for some odd reason. naomi and i have been doing well, very well in fact. although, christmas was in a week which means all of us would be going home for the break. i don't even know where she lives, i know it's in cali but i'm really praying it's close to where i live so i can get to see her, i don't know what i'll do if i can't see my nay baby for a whole three weeks.

i've gotten so emotionally attached to her that i start trembling when i can't see her while i'm in class, i'm so in love with her. i seriously don't know what i'd do without her, sometimes she can't sleep and she'll use the spare key i gave her to get into my dorm and come cuddle me. she usually sleeps in my room every night. mila hates it, i'm not sure why, she loves that i make naomi happy but hates when i spend time with her.

i'm so so so worried about going home for christmas in all honesty, because i haven't told my parents about naomi and i or my brother. my parents don't even want me to be gay at all in the first place, but my brother, finneas doesn't care. he's usually my only safe place when i'm home. i'll go into his room and i'll sit in there for hours ranting and making songs with him.

"billie!" i looked up and saw naomi standing at the front of my class, which doesn't make sense because she isn't even in my class.

i looked around confused, everyone was staring hard as hell at me.

"it's your turn to help set up for the assembly." finally, the girl next to me spoke and told me what i was meant to hear.

all students had to take a turn helping with assemblies, either if we could fix a crooked chair or just turn on a light, it didn't matter we just had to do help no matter what. it was required for some stupid ass reason, but naomi was head of all of this ever since the principal decided she needed to branch out. she apparently really loved it from what i could tell though. she didn't like making students do much though because she's to nice.

she wanted to decorate this assembly like a dance, even if it was only an hour, because she believed christmas was the happiest time of the year for all the students.

i smiled at her and got up, making my way to naomi. when i finally stood in front of her she started giggling and grabbed my wrist before pulling me and running out the classroom door, she wouldn't stop running and giggling and it was so cute.

she finally stopped running when we got to the auditorium doors, she spun around to face me and put her hand up to my cheek.

"tell me if i did good.." she pushed open the double doors and revealed a dance that was themed a red and green blizzard, there was fake snow everywhere that sparkled like crazy. the walls were painted with different hand sizes from different students, they all had either chosen from green or red sparkly paint. i was amazed, she did so fucking good. she worked so hard as well, even if the assembly was only an hour.

"oh my god princess..this is amazing!" i looked over at her and she was sitting on a bleacher just admiring me admiring the scene.

she smirked at me and stepped down from her seat. she grabbed my face and i grabbed her waist, she kissed me and it lasted for a good thirty seconds, of course turning into a make out session, last place i thought we'd make out was in the middle of the fucking auditorium.

"attention all students- attention students- make your way to the auditorium for the assembly."

naomi pulled away from me and smiled shyly.

"go put your hand print on the wall over there, then sit down. i have to make a speech." she kissed my cheek and sent me to the sparkly red paint by the wall.

i dipped my hand in and placed it on the wall, making sure to press down hard.

"hey bils." i turned around to see mila.

"come wash your hands with me billie."

mila grabbed my clean hand and drug me to the bathroom.

i went over to the sink while she kinda walked in circles.

"have i ever told you how much i appreciate you?" mila was looking at me from the other side of the room through the mirror, biting her lip.

i found this weird as hell.

she got closer and closer and closer before she was right up on my dick. i stared at her and kind of gave her a "fuck you want" face so she would understand to back the hell away from me before i had to make her back away.

"yo mila look bro i don't know what youre trying but you need to back up."

i needed to get out of there, naomi was having her speech soon and her anxiety is hella bad. i needed to be there to watch her and make sure she was good. although fuckin mila was blocking the door.

"billie, why have you never touched me like you touched naomi?" mila stuck her bottom lip out and i furrowed my eyebrow, backing the fuck out of there.

i still couldn't push past her, fuck.

"mila this isn't fucking funny, you know you're joking. now move, naomi needs me." i tried to walk in her direction to see if she'd move but she wouldn't budge.

"what if i need you too?" mila grabbed my vagina, it made me jump and scream.

"what the fuck mila! what the hell is wrong with you?!"

before she could answer the door opened and in came a crying naomi. she looked up at me and just stared at me and mila, mainly trying to focus on me.

"where were you billie? i was a fucking wreck!" she cried, and cried. i didn't know what to say..i didn't want her to lose her bestfriend.


"no. fuck you billie. save it. come on mila. i wanna leave."

of course, she took mila. i could only fucking imagine what lies she would tell naomi, and naomi believes everything she fucking says. lovely, just lovely.

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