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Blake POV

Well, Luke finally made time to talk to me and Calum. 

He stood in front of us, who were sitting on the couch. His bushy brows were furrowed in frustration, his arms were crossed over his chest, and he was tapping his foot. "You." Luke jabbed a finger at Calum. "What the hell? I let you go on a date with her and you can't even bring her back on time?"

"We lost track o-"

"And you." He jabbed a finger at me. "you... What am I angry with you for?"

"I dunno." I shrugged.

"Well, as punishment for whatever you did we're having a... Get ready for it... TWINSIES DAY!!" He giggled like a schoolgirl.

"I'm so excited." I said dully.

"I'm glad you are! Now go get dressed!"

I huffed, but proceeded to get dressed into a black Harry Potter shirt, white destroyed skinnies, and black boots with heels. On my wrist, I layered band bracelets. My hair was tamed, so I just left it be.

"Ready?" I asked Luke as I stepped out.

"Yeah." He muttered, messing with his hair, which most of was hidden under his black beanie. We stepped into the Philadelphia air, and walked along the sidewalk. "you okay?"

"Yeah." I breathed out, taking in my surroundings. There were hot dog carts, business men and women, and people everywhere I looked. My breathing hitched in my throat as I began to feel more and more cramped. I stopped walking, seemingly glued to the spot in the sidewalk, feeling dizzy and sweaty although the weather was only sixty.

"I'll get you out of here, come on." Luke guided me to Geno's, a cheesesteak joint. My breathing returned to normal as we stopped. All of the people... All watching me...

"I'm okay." I told myself. "I'm okay."

"Good." Luke nodded. "what do you want to eat?"

Oh, eating.

"Small fries is good."

"No. You go here, you get a cheesesteak. We'll split one, kay?"

I gulped. "Kay."

Luke told the cashier our orders, and we chatted as we waited for our sandwich. "Nice today, eh?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Hah, we're so awkward, even around each other. What kind of a question was that: nice today, eh?" Luke chuckled, shaking his head.

I giggled. He was right, the Hemmings twins are too awkward to handle.

Our sandwich came, and we sat down. I shakily took my half of the already massive sandwich, and gulped. You got this, Blake. Eat it.

I took a bite, and was surprised at how I liked it. The meat was an amazing contrast to the cheese, and the ketchup was a nice touch. "This is amazing!" I moaned.

"Best cheesesteaks in the world, or so I hear." Luke informed me.

So this was what it was like to want to eat. Interesting.


Sorry it's so short. I really needed a filler, though.

Love you guys, comment and vote please!!!


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