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Blake POV

He's so tall, and handsome as hell. He's so bad but he does it so well...

I murmered the words over and over in my head a few times, testing different rhythms before jotting in down in my notebook. My boredom from being alone came to the point of writing songs, and I was in the middle of one now.

Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe.

The memories clouded my vision with tears for a moment, and I blinked, shaking it off.

Red lips and rosy cheeks, say you'll see me again even if it's just in you're wildest dreams.

The kiss...

I said no one has to know what we do, his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in the room. And his voice is a familiar sound, nothing lasts forever. But this is getting good now.


You see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night, burning it down.


Someday when you leave me, I'll bet these memories follow you around.

I need to stop.

I stood up, hands in my hair, breathing deeply and pacing. This wasn't healthy to keep reminiscing on those memories that haunted me enough at night. And now I was writing a song about it?

Too unhealthy.

I turned to a new page, starting fresh.

I'm breaking down, gotta start from scratch. Shake it off like an etch a sketch.

Calum POV

I paced the hotel room, trying to shake the uncertain feeling in my stomach. But no matter how many times I passed Michael, who was playing Flappy Bird, it never went away. I didn't even know what was wrong.

I sat down on the seat next to Michael, far away from Luke and Cora, who were locking lips, which made me want to throw up on the spot.

Couples sickened me.

I walked out to the stage where it was alone and quiet, and I sat down on the edge. My mind buzzed with worry and that unshakable feeling I just couldn't describe, and it just got worse as I reminisced on the past two months. How badly I screwed up, and how I wanted so badly to go back and fix it all, tell Bee I'm sorry.

It's too late for that.

That's the feeling. My God, the feeling. It came to me like a lightning flash. What is it? I paced again, the question nagging at me.

It's Blake.

How I wanted to say a proper goodbye. How I missed her. How I wanted to know how she felt, if she missed me, if she wanted to talk to me.

Probably not.

The memories flooded in, the dam breaking.

I grabbed her hand when she was done and said, "What's this?" My gaze was on her arrow tattoo.

"A... tattoo?" She stuttered.

"What's it signify?"

"I went through a rough time when I was 15, and my friend said this to me whenever I was down."

She gazed down at her wrist. For all the bad that seems to plague us, I swear to you there's good. "There has to be some kind of good for me to come along on this trip."

"Like what?"

I shook my head. This couldn't happen.

I looked at my phone and gasped. "We gotta go!" I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out.

"Stop! You're going too fast!" She yelled, stopping me.

"Get on my back, then!" I  pulled her up, and started running, dodging tourists and ongoing people. She shouted sorries to anyone we barely missed, or pretty much ran into. When we arrived at the tour bus, Luke was pacing inside, and I gulped.

I backed up into a microphone.

Blake exhaled happily as she watched the orange sun sink below the horizon. I walked up next to her. The last time we talked, she had a panic attack, so I'd better watch my words. "Hey."


Silence took over for a solid minute, before I found the words to say. "How are you?"

"Okay, you?" She replied politely.

"Not gonna lie, pretty damn good."

Blake giggled. I studied her facial expressions, the way her eyes crinkled, and her nose scrunched up when the laughed, her dimple clearly shown.

If she couldn't realize how much I liked her, then I could only show her-

"Stop!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the stadium. I breathed heavily and finger combed my hair. "Get out of my head..."

She haunted my soul with her smile, dimple, and eyes. Oh, her eyes...

It was so unhealthy.



I'm sorry it's so short, but I have more bad news cause I'm that kind of person.

I'm honestly trying to finish this up quickly, so maybe... 3 or 4 more chapters... But then I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!!!



Lol sorry I just had fun dip.
I love all yous!!!


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