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Hunter Stark

Hunter Stark

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Hunter Stark

Present age 21

Home: Central City, and New York

Parents: Tony Stark and Ashley Right

Five years ago Stark towers was weirdly sad saying that it was my birthday my dad couldn't make eye contact with me all the others look at me with tears in there eyes.

I had finally found the courage to yell, "What the fuck is going on your acting as if I'm dying."

"Honey we are sending you to a university in Central City" my dad told me

"Is this about Loki attacking me to hurt you guys?" I ask.

"Because I'm fine," I say reassuringly.

"Hunter fine would be if you just had a tiny little scratch you got Loki's scepter to the abdomen, and Hunter me and the others have been talking about this for a while and you will be flown to Central City by Nat and I. You will say your goodbyes to the others tonight" dad says strictly.

After my dad said this we went to open the gifts. My family had gotten for me.

Dad showed me this a picture of an amazing mansion he had bought for me.

"Thank you daddy it is perfect" I say pretending I was actually going to be happy living without my overprotective dad, step mom, uncles and aunt.

Nati and Cap got me a new bow staff and some new kick boxing gear.

"Thank you Nat thank you Cap I love it"

Thor obviously forgot because when my dad told him that it was time for him to give me a gift he ran to the fridge and gave me one of his favourite beers which I was allowed one sip of before my dad's girlfriend Pepper as we call her walked in and took the beer out of my hand when she saw it

"Hey that was my gift to her," Thor says

"Well next time don't give a Minor alcohol" Pepper says obviously very angry with Thor for giving me a beer.

"Of course Pepper but one thing I don't get your ok with Stark letting her drink at parties, but I can't give her a beer for her birthday?" as Thor said this Me and my Father palmed our hand into are faces everyone other then Pepper and Dad and I were laughing really Pepper is the only one who has a problem with me drinking every once in a while.

Next I open Scott's gift and he got me condoms which I don't need since I'm on the pill so, better to make them laugh and have my dad slightly annoyed with Pepper.

"Scott you should keep them that I wouldn't need them." I say looking at Scott.

"Damn right you don't need them you're not allowed to have sex until I'm dead" My dad says.

"No dad that's not what I meant Pepper put me on birth control last year." Everyone bursts into laughter except for my dad who was mumbling under his breath something about killing Pepper for putting me on the pill.

After everyone had given me a gift and a goodbye hug I went up to my room and pact my bags as I sobbed out what felt like every bit of water I had in me. I eventually cryed myself to sleep you're probably wondering where my dad and Pepper are well there sitting out side my door because I locked them out and told Jarvis not to let them in unless I was in any real danger.

Around 2:00 AM I woke up not wanting to be alone so I came out of my room bags in hand my eyes red and puffy I find my dad fast asleep on the couch closest to my room I take a seat next to him and cuddle up to him buring my face into his chest and once again started to cry but my cry was so quiet from the fact that I had no voice after yesterday's crying to wake him up I didn't want to leave. soon I put my head on his lap and fell back asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to my dad playing with my hair

"It's time for us to head to your new house don't worry you still have Jarvis and this time you get your very own lab plus a live in house cleaner." My dad says trying to make me see a good side to the move.

"Dad I don't care that for once when I'm designing my future suit I won't have you constantly interrupting with things like don't forget to double check that the reactor is working properly before bringing it online" I say my voice only a whisper but my anger could be heard.

"Calm down sweetheart I know you want to stay but it's to dangerous here. Now lets head to the plane Nat's waiting." He says and we start walking to the helipad where are private jet is waiting. it was about a 30 minute flight. I got settled in at my new place said goodbye to my Dad and Nati.

3 years later

I have just finished college and have been offered a job at as a CSI here in Central. I thought I would hate it here but I actually love it. I may not have lots of friends but that's okay I talk to my dad daily I tinker in my lab at my house creating new gadgets weekly I have a robotic dog I love dogs but I'm highly allergic even the hypoallergenic ones so sadly my robotic dog is the best I will ever get to having a one not that I'm complaining. Tomorrow I start my work as a CSI I have a work partner who's name I'm blanking on at the moment but I will meet him tomorrow.

Next day

I was heading to work but I had to make a pit stop at a café called Jitters they sell the best coffee I have ever had and this really cute guy is always here around the same time. I got back in my car and drove the rest of the way to my new job the stations captain was upfront waiting for me to arrive he showed me around my new work place than to the lab. The lab looked like it could use a Stark to update the tec that was used I'll definitely be talking to my dad about that.

"Hay Allen meet Stark she's your new partner" captain Singh said

Well I guess that's enough of my long term back story.

Hoped you like the prologue let me know what you guys think of this Marvel meets DC comics story

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