Moving back to Central City! And a trip to another Earth.

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In the last year I have changed I'm more confident in myself but I'm still scared for this challenge that I'm about to go through. It's going to be challenging I have to forgive myself for hurting the person who I used be in love with and also almost killing someone this time I won't have the silver archer by my side this time. For that part of who I am has to stay in Starling because she's is seen as a disgrace everywhere except for Starling City where she is seen as a hero.

I hug Oliver, Felicity and Dig goodbye and get on my motorcycle that Oliver got me when I officially join the team and I drive to Central City. I decided to take the back roads so I could speed.

I get to Central city in record time and I drive straight to S.T.A.R. Labs. I decided to scare them and I drive my motorcycle through the building when I get to the cortex I park my bike take off my helmet and shake my freshly cut and coloured red hair.

"Hunter!" Cisco, Caitlin grumbled as expected and Barry say excitedly and pull me into a hug. Which I was not expecting It felt good, but it also made me uncomfortable but I hug them back anyway.

"I'm back! I don't really know how I can help." I tell them honestly.

"You can help us fight..." Barry says to me and I scoff.

"But how I don't know how to use my powers anymore!" I whisper yell at all of them.

"What!" They exclaim in shock.

"I haven't used my powers since that night." I tell the others.

"I have an idea it may sound absolutely crazy but what if I take Hunter to Kara's Earth and ask her for some help we fought a woman who called herself Livewire she has the same powers as Hunter. What if we can convince her to help us?" Barry says.

"Are you insane we can't bring a evil meta from another earth here do you realize how dangerous this could be." Caitlin says to Barry.

"I kind of think it's a good idea. Cait think of it like Community services." I tell her.

"Where would this person even stay if we can do this?" Caitlin asks still quite sceptical that this is the right move.

"Wait why can she call you Cait but we can't?" Cisco asks jokingly.

"My place would work. I live alone in a mansion with six bedrooms a pool and training room." I say ignoring Cisco.

"Then it's settling Cisco could you please open a breach to Earth-38." Barry says to Cisco. Cisco puts on glasses and sticks his hand out in front of himself and makes a fist and a blue portal.

"One second I don't even know what going on first the last time we talked you guys you all kicked me off the team because of the Reverse Flash thing." I say very confused as to why Barry contacted me after radio silence the last two year.

"Wait we kicked you off the teams?" Barry asks. Making me even more confused as to what is going on.

"Oh right I forgot to fill you in on that." Caitlin says. Making me think that he has some kind of amnesia.

"What's going on." I ask remembering that Barry having amnesia is literally I'm possible because of our healing ability.

"My dad died and I went back in time and I saved my mom and created a new time line I call Flash point I spent a year there but when my memories started to fade into the life I would have had if she had of survived I came back but everything was different for starters I'm dating Iris I'm guessing that in this time line instead of you didn't tell me you were in love with me before the STAR Labs exploded."

"Wait are you saying me and you dated in your time line well in this one I only ever saw you as a brother and right before the explosion were hugged and cuddled in the chair in your lab because you were trying to get me to stop crying." I tell him in a serious tone.

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