Hearing the Reverse Flash's voice again

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Barry Oliver and me were sitting in Jitters laughing and talking and I can't help but think if someone was to look in on us right they would think we were just a normal group of friends hanging out. Not a man trying to clence his city of those who wrong it. Not a man who was strucked by lightning who can now run a mile in 4 seconds. Not a girl who was also strucked by light and can now control electricity. But that doesn't matter because they will never know they will always just see three friends not the heroes that save them.

"Well I have to get back to Starling." As Oliver says this my phone starts to ring.

"Hello" I say into my phone.

"Tell Barry to turn his phone on I've been trying to call him. We need you two to get to Star labs." Cisco says.

"How did you know I was in Central?" I ask.

"Barry told us what your powers are so I got Caitlin to track increases in electrical and thermal energy." He explains.

"Barr we're needed at Star labs." I tell him.

"Cisco could you put you phone on the ground and keep this call active for a few more minutes? It's to busy at jitters to just turn myself into electricity and travel from through my phone and out of yours." I get up and leave jitters and go into the alley behind.

"Sure! I really can't wait to see your power!" He exclaims.

"Well when I get there and give a demonstration would you like to be my assistant?" I ask him and I swear I could hear the smile form on his face through the phone.

"Will it hurt?" He asks

"No I wouldn't have asked if there was a chance that I'd hurt you!" I say reassuringly.

"Then yes I'll be you assistant what will I have to do." He says

"All you will have to do is place your hand on top of mine. Now Cis can you please put your phone on the ground and take five big steps back." I tell him strictly.

"Sure." Cisco says. I wait a few seconds and I morph myself into my blue electric state and use mine and Cisco's phones to travel to S.T.A.R. labs and once all of my electric form is out of the phones I make myself morph into my normal form.

"That is awesome! Can you do that when ever you want or do you need to have some kind of connection like well like a phone call?" He asks wonder filling every word he said.

"I don't know I only just learnt I could do this, this morning." I tell him.

"So your still learning what you can do?" He states in a question like tone.

"The last 6 months I've been learning how to control now that I can I'm free to play around and see what I can do four days ago I learnt I can also manipulate bio electricity by making one of my Uncle's slap himself in the face." I explain.

"Your not going to make me do that are you?" He asks in a worried tone.

"No what I'm going to do is completely and utterly harmless." As I say this Barr comes whooshing in he stops and walks over to me an kiss me in front of Cisco.

"That was some kiss." Cisco says making me turn as red as a tomato. Before I can apologizes to Cisco Caitlin enter.

"Where should we have her test her powers." Cisco asks

"I'm guessing your going to say no but what about the training room at avengers tower." I say already starting to feel home sick.

"I would love that but it will take to long to get there." Cisco says

"How about once the meta-human threat is taken care we all go on a trip to Avenger tower?" I

"That would be great. How about the landing strip?" Caitlin says.

"Ya work for me. for what I'm going to be doing it is probably best if we do it outside." I tell them I pat Cisco's shoulder in a comforting way when I see his face morph into fright.

"Doctor well's says that he is already there. And that he figured that would be the location that we choose." Caitlin informs us.

Skip time

We arrive at the at the landing strip and Dr. Wells waiting for us.

"Cisco follow me we need a little bit of space for this. Okay now Cisco place your hands above mine" I say. Cisco does as I say and I give him a look that says are you ready he nods and we begin.

As the electricity starts to flow through me to my finger tips severely drained bolts of electricity bounce up and down off mine and Cisco's hands

"That tickles!" Cisco says as the electricity dances against his palms

"Sh I need to focus." Soon enough Cisco's hair starts to stand on end.

"That is cool is that all your going to show us." Caitlin asks in disbelief.

"No! When I first discovered my powers I couldn't touch my phone when someone tried to hug me my power would shock them, but know the skies the limit literally." I explain making. Cisco float a few feet off the ground.

"That was awesome!" Cisco squeals.

"That was quite impressive Ms Stark but know I think it is time for a little target practice." Doctor Wells says getting Caitlin to bring out several mannikins. His voice triggers something in my mind I feel my brain go on hyper drive. I start feeling intense anger but also compassion at first I don't understand but then it comes to me he's the man who saved me the night that my mom was killed and the man who killed Barry's mom just two today's later. I let go of the anger knowing that if I use my powers while feeling such an intense emotion that I will loose control. I focus on feeling the electricity as it moves inside of me I pull it to my hands and form a ball of bright blue electricity I aim directly above the mannikin and once the it is a good distance past the target and the others give me disappointed looks I whistle and the ball of lightning separates into three and speed directly for the head of each mannikin setting them on fire.

After cleaning up we head back to Star labs because Cisco and Caitlin had been working together on something for me. First Cisco leads me to the area where Barry's suit is held but something was different next to Barry's suit was a something under a sheet Cisco removes the sheet and realizes a new suit that was for me it was blue and silver and on its belt was a blue lightning bolt.

"Cisco I love it." I say great fully

"That's not all Barry told us that you wanted a place to keep up your daily workout routine I myself don't understand why some would want to wake up so early." Cisco says.

"I've struggled with anger issues since my mom was murdered when I was seven. When I was eleven I met Natasha and she started training me in martial arts and that helped with my anger. Exercise is my way to control my emotions." I tell them

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