Confronting Wells

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I was cuddled up with barry in his bed when My alarm went off Barry groans as I lift his arm off of me.

"Why are you getting up so early the suns not even up yet?" Barry whines.

"Barry I get up this early everyday so that I let my anger out thats why I asked you to ask Cisco to put a gym in Star labs." I tell my pouting boyfriend.

"Sometimes it's hard to beleive you and Oliver are only best friends your so much alike." Barry says jealousy could be heard in his voice.

"Barr nothing will EVER happen between me and Ollie. He sees me as his little sister and I see him as my big brother. I would rather marry a frog then Oliver Queen. Now I have to go I'll see you at the lab" I pull Barry into a kiss when the bedroom door opens.

"Barry what was that... oh a sorry I should have knocked." Joe stutters walking in on Barry and me kissing.

"Joe its okay I'm guessing Iris didn't tell you I thought she would after seeing us kiss." I say.

"So you two are what dating? If you are your going to have to bunk with Iris when you sleep over." Joe says and I nob.

"What ever you say Joe. Well I have to go see you later." I say before getting out of the bed and grading my bag.

Skip time

I walk into star labs with my gym bag over my shoulder I turn off the security cameras in my gym. Once I get into the gym I change into my workout clothes and put on my raps and gloves and start punching and kicking my punching bag.

about half a hour into my workout I felt eyes staring at me from behind.

"Are you just going to sit there Wells and stare or are you going to get out of that wheelchair we both know you don't need oh and if you're worried about the cameras there off. " I say not turning around. A smirk appears on my lips when I hear footsteps behind me.

"So how did you figure it out?" Wells asks.

"I remember the night that you saved me." I tell honestly.

"That's not possible that was 14 years ago you shouldn't remember that." He says finding it impossible for me to possibly remember what happened

"Barry remembers you killing his mom." I spat venomously.

"Yes well he was eleven years old you were only seven." He says even though this point doesn't make much sense no matter if I was younger then Barry the same amount of time has past for both of us.

"Thats the weird part I did forget but then I saw Barry use his powers and it all came back to me." I tell him.

"Did you tell Barry?" He asks his temper rising.

"No!" I tell him.

"why not?" He asks baffled at the fact that I didn't tell Barry.

"Because I wanted to confront you on my own and find out why a Psychopath like yourself would ever save me." I tell him anger surging through me.

"Well there's many reasons but in the future one hundred years from now I met your great granddaughter Alisa Willis she was a villain like me but she cared deeply for her family she told me if we were ever going to be a team I had to promise to protect her past and future relatives. What's why I didn't kill Barry that night even if he wasn't technically her grandpa he still is still your future child's surrogate father. So my protection over you started out as a way to create a partnership but over time even though you didn't know me I started to care about you as a father cares about his daughter. Promise you will not tell Barry anything I don't want to hurt you but if you get in my way I will kill you." He tells me try to guilt me into not telling barry.

"I won't" I tell him.

"Actually have an idea as to what you can tell them so that you won't be able to help them." He says smirking evilly.

"what do you want me to do." I ask nervously.

"I want you to tell the truth As to why you can't help them." He says. I will never admit to it but it was actually a smart plan.

2 weeks later

Wells had stolen the Tachyon Device and now it is time for my part. I walk into Star labs because Barry and Joe had called Cisco, Caitlin, Wells and me.

"Guys the man in the yellow suit is back!" Barry tells us giving me my que.

"Then I can't be here." I say quickly.

"Why? We need your help." Barry says coming over to me.

"the man in the yellow suit or as He calls himself the reverse Flash and he saved my life." I tell them

"What? when? how?" Barry asks confused as to why I never told him.

"Barry I lied about how my mom died mostly because I thought I was crazy what I saw was insane. My mom was killed by someone with the same powers as me but he wasn't there to kill my mom he was there to kill 7 year old me before I even had a way to stand my ground and the reverse Flash scooped me up and brought me to the back lane of stark tower. That's why I can't be part of this I can't choose sides because as much as I love you I owe my life to him. he told me that he has been watching me and protecting me all my life." I tell them every once in a while glancing at doctors Wells but none of them notice I was trying to tell them who the Reverse Flash was.

"He probably did that to split us up!" Barry says.

"I hate owing my life to someone like him! he's a sick Psychopath he guilted me into this by telling me that the whole reason for protecting me was to protect a partnership he has with my great granddaughter but over the years he started to feel as though I was his daughter and that if I help you even though he doesn't want to he will kill me and everything I hold close in my heart."I tell them

"I don't think I can ever trust you again Hunt." Barry says tears now pouring down my face I run out of Star labs.

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