Memories Come Flooding Back

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six months later

My fathers androids aim their weapons at me I feel my power flowing through me wanting to burst out but I don't let it. I let out a little bit of my power at a time I imagine what I want the electricity to do and it obeys my every command. I tell the bolts of electricity to take out the robots weapons systems one at a time but fast enough that they won't have enough time to fire. My dad, Lincoln and Daisy Lincoln's girlfriend walk in to the training they gave me a hug as my hair and skin colour return to normal.

"We think you're ready to head back to Central City" my father says to me.

"Really I have to call Barry wait I don't have a phone" I say.

"Dais do you mind taking Hunter to get a new phone?" My father asks.

"Sure I can take her." Daisy says to me and my dad.

We walk out of the training room and head to The Apple store I ended up getting an iPhone 6 Plus and a new cute new case with a lightning bolt on the back I put in the only numbers I could remember I had to get ANTYSCOTT (my amazing nickname for Scott every Average has one) and Cap to enter their numbers into my new phone.

"Time to call Barry." I say to myself.

I go into my contacts and call Barry

"Hi Barry it's me Hunter" I say once Barry picks up.

"Hey Hunt how are you" Barry asks.

"I'm great I finally have control of my powers and just got the news Voltage and Quake will be coming to Central City tomorrow." I say.

"Who are they? Are they metas that left Central City after particle accelerator?" Barry asks in a panic.

"No well Voltage sort of. Voltage is my superhero name and Quake is my inhuman friend we are having a party at the Stark towers and we are most likely going to get drunk." I tell Barry

"Good luck with the getting drunk thing but just a warning if you're like me alcohol will have no effect on you but Caitlin has created an alcoholic beverage that will if you are like me." He says.

"Are you being serious?" I ask him.

"Very!" Barry replies

"Well I have to go." I say quickly.

"See you soon," he says.

I hang up and and head to Daisy and Lincoln's room I knocked on the door

"Come in I'm just I'll just be a minute"

I go into my bedroom and plopped myself on the bed

"So what do you want to talk about" Daisy asks.

"I just learnt that there's a chance that because of my powers and the fact that the lightning also may of gave me the terrible power of being immune to alcohol!" I tell her.

"So?" She says not getting why this is such a big deal to me.

"I'm 21 years old and am most likely inmune to alcohol." I tell her.

"Think about it like this you have the ability to win in a drinking competition against Thor and I you don't tell anyone else they will never see it coming" Daisy says mischievously.

"I'm going to call Barry he can join in Thor's humiliation" I pull out my phone and call Barry.

"Barry how fast can you get to Stark Towers? You're going to help in the humiliation of Thor Odinson!" I say excitedly.

"I know you grew up with the avengers but why do you want to humiliate a man you call your uncle better yet a Thor isn't he a god?" Barry asks not sure as to why I would ever want to humiliate my uncle.

"Yes he is a god but that is not the point. No one has ever won against Thor in a drinking competition we have a chance to be the first to beat him at a drinking competition we start off pretending to be incapable of Possibly winning by are selves and once all the normal shots are done we pull out the hard stuff that actually effects us." I explain to Barry.

"Fine be there in 7 minutes" Barry says.

"Ha a seventeen hour drive only takes you seven minutes to run thats nuts" I say in a mind blown manner.

"No it takes me 2 minutes to get there but I have a few things to do first"  he says cockily.

"See you in a flash!" I say jokingly.

"See you in a flash!" He says.

7 minutes later

The tower went into lock down when the elevator turned on me and the avengers incircle the elevator my powers active my hair as white as snow my skin even lighter electricity flowing throw me the elevator opens I was about to strick when I see that it's Barry my hair and skin colour go back to normal

"Stop Its Barry he's not a threat he's here for the party" I yell to my crazy powerful family.

"Barry follow me." I say grabbing his hand.

"Before I do I want to ask you something that thing. That happened before well everything happened to us do you still want that..." I blush at Barry's awkwardness. I decide to be bold and cut him off even if I am surrounded by my family.

"Shut up and kiss me." I say and he pulls me into a passionate kiss. I hear uncle Banner and my my dad growl but I just ignore them if Banner hulks out that just means Barry meets my extremely overprotective uncle. Hulk is more overprotective then my dad. Sometimes I think Hulk thinks I'm his daughter he calls me his baby girl. I have a bond with Hulk that not even Natasha has with him.

"Do you think we should give them some privacy" I hear Hawkeye say I pull away from Barry and my hair goes white my skin lightens and I stare at Hawkeye my electricity hacks its way into his nerves so that I was in control of his movement I make him slap himself hard in the face. It a power I have been meaning to see if I have. It makes sense that I have it because I can control electricity and in away electricity is in are nerves.

"Was that you who just made me slap myself" me and Barry look at each other and we both run at normal speed I lead us to the the training room.

"What are we doing in here? What is this room?" Barry asks

"This is the training room and we are in here because I want to spare with you using are powers" I say powers my hair goes white and my skin tone lightens low powered balls of electricity form in my hands.

"What are you going to do with those" he asks pointing at the balls of pure electricity in my hands.

"Your going to run at me and you're going to get hit with a ball of low powered ball of electricity" I tell Barry

"No I'm not." He says arrogantly.

"yes you are!" I say not backing down.

Barry's P.O.V.

I run to the far end of the training room and run at Hunter who starts to throw balls of electricity at me I figured I would just be able to Dodge them but they seem to work like they were able to know my moves before even I knew what I was going to do. As more and more start to come towards me I use my speed to avoid them I hear Hunter scream and she collapses to the ground once it was safe to tough her I pick her up and carry her to her room.

Hunter's P.O.V.

I look at Barry while he you'se his speed a pain shot throw me as if I were being burned alive everything around me change and the setting changes I was back in the apartment me and my mom lived in for the first seven years of my life I see a electric flying all over the room my mom screaming in pain telling me to get out I then see a man in yellow he scooped me up off the ground and carries me away and leaves me in a alley outside of Stark towers before he left he said not to tell anyone what happened. His voice sounded very familiar. five minutes later a redhead showed up and brought me inside Stark Towers.

3 days later

Sit up and look around my surroundings I was in my room I look to my left and the was Nat asleep on top of the covers I accidentally woke her as I got out of the bed.

"Your up what happened why did you faint?" Nat questions me

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