Old friends

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Early Friday morning

I woke up to the loud ear piercing ring of my phone. I grab my head then take a deep breath and pick up my phone. I answer seeing that my best friend from Starling was calling.

"I'm on my..." my head throbs as he talks I quickly cut him off.

"Please speak a little quieter I have a spliting headache" I say.

"Someone had fun last night I'm hurt that you didn't invite me."

"Unless you call successfully beating Thor in a drinking competition fun. Then I had a lot of fun Arrow!" I say.

"You know?" Olie asks stupidly of course I knew I'm not stupid.

"I'm a super genius I have known since you showed up alive and the Arrow first came to Starling the day after you did wasn't that hard. So why did you call me?" I say cockily.

"I'm in Central." Olie replys.

"I'm in New York but will be in Central in an hour. Please tell me you learnt how to use a bowstaff on the Island." I say excitedly.

"You know how to use a bowstaff"he questions

"Ya I'm tought by the best Black Widow herself, I learnt boxing from Caption America and I got powers from the particle accelerator but the one thing I have always wanted to learn is archery." I brag

"Move to Starling I'll teach you." He says I could almost hear a smirk appearing on his face.

"Maybe if I break up my boyfriend." I reply with sass.

"Who's you boyfriend?" he asks.

"Barry Allen And if I find Barry with arrows in his back I will tell your mother what you do when you disappear" I threaten.

"Well Barry's actually a friend of mine and I am meeting up with him in thirdy" as he says this I decided to try something I haven't done before. I close my eyes and when I open them my face is literally inches from Oliver. I try to back up but Oliver pulls me into a back breaking hug I was trying to avoid. Like my dad I do not enjoy being hugged or having things passed to me.

Oliver's P.O.V.

Out of nowhere Blue sparks start coming out of my phone and they started to materialize into Hunter. She tries to back away before I can pull her into a hug but fails.

"Don't disappear like that again." I whisper into her ear.

"Says the guy everyone believed to be died for five years and I was in a coma for nine months." I State.

"At least I stayed in touch." He says smirking at me.

"Ya after two years of thinking you were dead!" as she says this memories of us talking while I was on the Island come back to me.

Flash back

Third P.O.V.

Oliver lay in the remains of a plane that had crashed onto Lian yu year he had been shipped wrecked. He was trying to build up the confidence to call Hunter. Once he does he puts her on speaker and anxiously waiting for her to pick up.

"Pick up! pick up!" Oliver say wait for hi friend to pick up her damn phone.

"Who ever you are stop calling me at 1 in the morning I have classes first thing." Hunter says sounding very annoyed.

"And I thought you'd be happy to here from your favourite babysitter." Oliver says pretend to be hurt by what she says.

"Clint?" Hunter questions.

"No it's me Oliver!" he says getting quite annoyed.

"That's not funny asshat Oliver Queen is dead and he has been for 2 years!" Hunter says angrily. Oliver's heartbreaks hearing the grief in her voice.

"We met when you were eight and I was 14 and a half. The first time I babysat you, me and My friend Tommy took you to big Belly Burger you had never had a burger before and you got it smeard all over your face. Tommy Laught at you and I saw that you were about to cry. So I took his burger and I pushed it into his face and you laught so hard you fell off the chair you were on and you broke your arm." Oliver says reciting the events of the first time he babysat her.

"Hay kid who are you talking to on the phone that Amanda Waller gave you?" Slade Willson asks but Oliver ignors it.

"Olie is that really you?" Hunter asks.

"Yes it's me." Oliver says.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything but you were a horrible babysitter." Hunter says feeling awkward by the mushy moment they had a second ago that almost brought tears to her eyes.

"I wasn't that bad. Was I? To be honest most of it's a blur." He says.

"When I was 11 you took me to a fucking strip club and you stole a taxi And made 11 year old me Drive because you were drunk." Oliver could hear the chuckle of Slade coming from behind and he glare at Slade.

End flash back

Hunter's P.O.V.

"Come on lets go find Very Barry." I say excitement easily could be read off my face.

"Oh I am so call him that." He bends down

"Do you want a ride?" Olie asks.

"I think I'll take my electricity or I'll summon some lightning and I'll be there faster then the speed of sound" I say seeing as he was driving a motorcycle which scare me to death.

"Ok then." he says.

At Jitters

I make the lightning drop me off in the backlane of Jitters I walk out of the back lane and into jitters and I'm immediately engulfed in hugs of five of the waitress and waiters that I have grown close to in my years in Central City. They pull away and I go and kiss Barry and he kisses me back I hear Everyone gasps at our actions, but all of a sudden me and Barry's kiss wasn't the weirdest thing. Oliver walking in is now the biggest shock to them. He walks over to me and Barry.

"If you hurt her I end you Barry" he says making his voice go very low and sending shivers down my spine.

"You two know each other?" Barry asks.

"Have since I was 14 and she was eight. She's like my little sister actually I'm her Godbrother." Oliver explains to Barry.

"Does she know?" Barry asks wondering if I know that Ollie is the Arrow.

"Yes she does and this is not the place to talk about the arrow Very Barry." Oliver says quickly and and quietly.

"You told him that nickname now I'll never hear the end of it. This is unforgivable Hunt." I knew the one way to get him to forgive me in the next two seconds was if I kissed him so I did passionately so I did.

Hunter StarkWhere stories live. Discover now