Breaking up

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Barry's P.O.V.

"We need to find her Cisco she's lost control. We need to help her she could hurt someone." I say worriedly.

"She already has she almost killed Hartley after he tried to kill you." Cisco reminds me

"Why didn't you stop her from leaving?" I ask.

"Barry we tried! It was as if her powers formed an entirely different person. She was pure rage, instead of her normal white hair when she uses her powers her hair was clear like glass with electricity and her eyes they weren't visable all you could see was blue electricity she was literally sparking with rage. she ran outside we followed her and she used her powers in a way we didn't even know possible she turned her self into a bolt of lightning." Cisco explains.

"Guys I think I found her there is a increase of 50000 volts of electricity coming from Stark Hill. Be careful Barry she's out of control she could hurt you!" Caitlin says as she comes into the room.

"I love her I cannot just let her suffer Caitlin!" At that I run to Stark hill when I get there the mansion that Hunter lives in was full of the blue light of her powers I enter the house and when I see her I know she had no control over what had happened earlier.

"I love her I cannot just let her suffer Caitlin!" At that I run to Stark hill when I get there the mansion that Hunter lives in was full of the blue light of her powers I enter the house and when I see her I know she had no control over what had ...

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Her body was Radiating pure electricity all around her body I tried to get closer to her but an intense blast of electricity goes through me.

"I'm sorry I-i can't control it's it's taken over." Hunter cries.

"Close your eyes focus on my voice everything is going to be okay" the second I said everything was going to be okay her hair stood on end and looked to be on fire.

"No I will not be okay I almost killed someone I don't deserve to just move on I deserve to be locked in the pipeline with all the other metas that committed crimes!" Hunter says with fury and pain in her voice.

"Hunter Listen to me you are not a criminal you're powers took control it is not your fault" I tell her calmly the last thing she need was to know I was scared for her.

"Yes it is it's my own fault for loving you if I hadn't have confessed my feelings to you I would never be in this situation I wouldn't even be in Central City I'd be in Starling or New York with my father and be an Avengers and that's what I'm going to do I'm going to stop using my powers and go join Oliver." After she came to this her power seemed to settle itself and she ran off to the garage I ran so that I would be infront of her before she could get into one of her cars.

"Was what I said not obvious were done I'm leaving and you can't stop me." She says getting into her car and drive off.

Hunter's P.O.V.

Tears were dripping down my face yet again but I keep driving Straight until I got to a sign that said Starling City next right. About twenty minutes later I pul into the Queen's brown stone and park my car. I get out of my car and I ring the door bell and the door opens a few minutes later revealing Oliver I jump into his arms wrapped my legs around him and I cry into his chest he held on to me tightly.

"I broke up with Barry." I mumble in his ear he looks down at me with sad eyes and he carries me out of the door way and kicks the door closed and carries me to his room.

8 months later

Third Person P.O.V.

In the last 8 months the silver archer was born and became a great member of team arrow she helped put many criminals in jail cells but After the bomb went off in the glades both Oliver and Hunter decided they need a break from the world and went to Lian Yu to continue Hunter's training well until the rest of the team showed up and made them return to Starling City.

1 year and 4 months later

Hunter's P.O.V.

I had just returned to base from my patrol of the city when my phone started to ring I look at the caller ID and it was Barry I let it go to voicemail but he automatically called again.

"When someone doesn't answer the phone the first time it usually means the person is busy or doesn't want to talk to you."

"I need your help." Barry says quickly.

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