Saying goodbye sucks

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"I'm going to go say my good byes the call my dad and the rest of the Avengers." I say and I see ray's ears pop up like a dog who hears his owner say or spell the word walk.

"No how about before we leave we go and see them saying goodbye over the phone is insignificant." Ray says obviously wanting to nerd out with my dad.

"You just want to show off the atom suit to my dad." I say with a big grin on my face

"No no that's not true." He lied.

"Your a bad lier will need to work on that." I tell him with a smirk, and I walk over to Oliver.

"Do you still..." Before I could finish Oliver interrupt me.

"I love you to pieces little sis but you and Barry need to apologize to each other." He says kissing my forehead.

"What for were even I didn't stand up for him he didn't stand up for me." I say be to stubborn to be the bigger person

"You're starting to sound like Mick. Do you really want to end your five year friendship with Barry?" Oliver asks

"He ended are friendship years ago it's not my fault he remembers it the other way around." I tell Oliver.

"I will lock you and Barry in a room until you apologize to each other." Oliver says.

"I leave in twenty and Barry can faze out of the room." I tell him

"You really are as stubborn as me." He says putting his face into his hands

"So what if I am? Aren't all heroes stubborn in some way." I yell and he gives me an amused grin.

"Apologies to him." Oliver says

"Fine." I say and I go look for Barry.

"Caitlin what you said to Hunter is so untrue she made a mistake we know that when her powers are active she interprets things differently she feels things with her powers that we can't feel." I hear Barry yell as I enter the room he's in.

"Thank you Barry for standing up for me even if I don't deserve it I should have taken your side earlier I was just so angry I don't understand why I wasn't upset about it when I thought it was only me, but when I knew it had effected others I just blow up, and before you say that I don't need to apologize for how I felt I just feel like a hypocrite I yelled at Oliver earlier about not judging on people's mistakes and that's exactly what I did to you and I'm so sorry for that." I say tears rolling down my face.

"Come here." Barry says and I walk over to him and my arms go around his neck and his go around my waist. Even though I dislike hugs this is just one of those times that I need one right now.

"I'm going to miss you Barry even when were in the middle of a fight I can depend on you." I tell him.

"I'm going to miss you too detective Hunt." Barry jokes letting me out of the hug.

"Bye C. Bye Ice Queen." I say.

"Even if we are mad with you we will miss you." Cisco says

"Hunt if we want to go see your dad we have to go." Sara says

"I'm on my way." I yell back to her.

"Bye guys tell Dig, Fell, Thea, that I love them and will miss them." I tell Barry, Cisco and Caitlin before running to the wave Rider. When the doors closed I feel the ship leave the ground I go over and sit next to Mick.

"Thanks." I say smiling up at him.

"You don't need to thank me." He says in his normal emotionless tone.

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