CHAPTER 6 : HoSan!

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ME : What do the reports say?

DOCTOR : Did you know about her medical history?

ME : (-confused-) No, doctor. She didn't tell me anything about that.

DOCTOR : Alright. Did she consume alcohol? Or beer specifically?

ME : (-thinking-) Yes, she did. Some liquor and a beer but that was 2 days ago.

DOCTOR : (-sighs-) Seems like you don't know. She is allergic to alcoholic drinks and beers are the worst. She might have instant reactions as well. Like itching or rashes sort of. Didn't you notice any?

Now that I thought of it, I recalled something.






On the party night, after Su Ah-ssi came and everyone's attention went to her, I noticed Susan being a little uncomfortable. She had already drank liquors by then.

ME : (-slight pat on her arm-) Feeling okay?

SUSAN : (-force smile-) Yes. (-sips the last drop of liquor from her glass-)

It was my first time seeing her drink in the 3 months of our dating life.

But, I was feeling worried for some reason. Before I could ask it out she started talking to Su Ah-ssi.

SUSAN : (-smiles to Su ah as she sits next to her-) Hey, Su Ah.

SU AH : (-bright smile-) Hi, Eonnie. All good?

SUSAN : It just turned better after you came. (-a little drunk-)

SU AH : Awh Eonnie! (-sheepish grin-) What is with you all today?

They giggled and Su Ah suddenly realized she had something to give Jungkook back while I took this chance to ask the following question to Susan.

ME : Are you sure, you're good with Alcohol?

SUSAN : (-scrunching her nose-) Oppa~ You look so cute when you're worried about me. And you know what? (-coming closer to whisper-) I haven't had beer for ages. I have been craving for it so bad. (-goes back to sitting straight-) So, I am gonna have one now.

I sighed but it soon got replaced with a chuckle followed by a smile seeing her toying with a beer can and enjoying it to its fullest.

Few moments later, I noticed her gradually getting worse. She was itching her arms and neck unconsciously.

ME : (-removing her hands-) You're getting rashes. What is happening, San-ah? (-worried-)

SUSAN : It's nothing. (-nervously-) I am feeling hot here maybe that's why it's  getting me a little rash. (-makes a pout-) But, I am also feeling sleepy~ (-blinks sleepyly-)

Worry was crystal clear on my face.

JK : (-to me-) Hyung, I will stay at Suga Hyung's room for tonight. Noonas can use mine.

ME : Onh, thanks, Kookie. (-smiles-)

JK : (-nods-) It's alright.

ME : (-to Susan-) Come on! Let's go. I will set the bed for you. (-giving her hand after standing up-)

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