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"I don't want you be a memory if we can't share its remembrance."

As, after the shoots, he finally made it to the hospital, he found Bum Hee seated beside her.

He felt a sense of relief run down his body seeing Su Ah talking to her just normally.

Yoongi, not wanting to disturb them, turned to leave when her sister noticed him at the door and stopped his steps.

BUM HEE : Yoongi-ssi!

He forced his head around with reluctance, fearing Su Ah's eyes on him. Not ready to face them yet, he sighed internally seeing her look in a direction nearly poles apart from him.

BUM HEE : Come on, in. It's okay. We weren't talking anything important anyways.

He walked in, obliging to her sister who stood up to leave for them to talk. But, Su Ah held her hand.

SU AH : Eonnie~ (-sad eyes-)

BUM HEE : (-dabbing her hand gently-) It's okay Su Ah-ya. I am right outside, if you need me.

SU AH : Please...

BUM HEE : (-soft caring voice-) Su Ah-ya, you've got to face it. And whatever is your decision, I am always with you.

She then, gently kept Su Ah's hand back on the bed and left the room, passing a formal smile to Yoongi.

The ambience was very calm and peaceful. Yoongi fixed his gaze down at his hands, seated on a stool beside her bed. While, Su Ah looked outside the window, projecting a coat of nonchalance.

For the first time, the silence irked Yoongi. They both had silent tears trailing down their face, none initiating a conversation.

However, Yoongi breaking out of his comfort zone, started with the very basic.

YG : How do you feel?

Su Ah didn't repond but a few more tears escaped her eyes, hearing his voice after so long.

YG : (-sniffs-) I am sorry, Su Ah. I was wrong. I was terribly wrong.

She couldn't stop her tears at each word he spoke, for her ears had worn out yearning. A desperate long, to hear him call her name. Each second felt like an eternity of waits with his absence.

YG : I was wrong to think you...

SU AH : (-still not looking at him-) It's okay. I was at fault too.

YG : (-shakes head sniffing-) I never gave you a chance to explain.

She remained quiet. Yoongi, managing his tears from coming out further, gently took her hand and cupped it in his.

However, she showed no response or affection to his touch, nor did she hold his hand back.

YG : Can't we start over again?

SU AH : (-withdraws her hand hesitantly-) I am sorry.

Not that he was more broken than he already was to see her in that condition and still didn't know what exactly happened to her. But he felt crushed at the rejection that  he already saw coming his way yet he blatantly hoped he had a chance.

SU AH : (-sniffs-) I had seen your last concert of 2019 and I am happy that you all have finally resolved everything. You must be busy with your new album. So, I think you should leave now.

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