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"I think I'm going to be sick," Adara called from inside the Regal Duchess.

Ember and Adara had appeared out of thin air a few blocks away from the meeting place a while after the rest of us had gotten there. Wren and I had been waiting outside the plane when they got there, and we hurried them on. The hostages, we told them, were safe on the transport plane just as we had planned.

"Not in here you're not," August called from his seat.

Adara rested her head on Wren's shoulder and closed her eyes. "I hate being warped in space like that," she muttered, referring to the gut-wrenching Zian ability.

Ember's mouth twitched, guilt pulling her lips down into a frown. She messed with the giant hole in her shirt, staying quiet. She sat next to me. I wasn't sure what happened between us that made things change, but I was glad we were friends again.

Rhea cleared her throat from her seat next to Adara. "Well, thanks to you all, this mission has been a success. You should be proud of yourselves. Because of you, the Dark Crown Rebellion has grown stronger today. Because of you, those citizens can now safely live their lives again."

I internally rolled my eyes. Rhea was only three years older than me. I didn't need her to talk to me about what a great job I did like I was a child and she was some wise elder. No one else seemed moved by her praises. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes when she accepted that no one was going to return her compliment.

The rest of the trip back to Libria was utterly boring. The only thing that managed to entertain me was the drool running down the side of Wren's chin as he slept. He looked ridiculous with his mouth hanging open and head lopsided.

"Does he always sleep like that?" Ember whispered from next to me, noticing the display of drool on Wren's dark shirt.

"How am I supposed to know?" I responded, whispering back. "Aren't you the one who's supposed to know stuff like that?"

She looked taken aback, confusion etched into her green eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "Please, Ember. You're not the most subtle person to exist when it comes to boys."

Ember paused. "That doesn't mean I know he drools in his sleep."

"I'm just saying that it's obvious you like him," I shrugged.

She turned herself toward me, pulling against her seatbelt. "Do you think he likes me back?"

Grinning, I said, "Oh, please. I know he does. All he's done for the past two months is gush at you while you aren't looking."

Ember hummed in response and leaned back in her seat, eyes on Wren. I never understood why people got so caught up in infatuation. It was a waste of time, and ultimately, everyone got hurt in the end. Love was a distraction, one I didn't intend on having.

I focused on the thrum of the engine. My mind immediately began to think about the war as I tended to when I was bored. Maddox had been awfully quiet since our last encounter with him up to this point. Was he really in need of such a large recovery? I feared what he could be planning. Every move he made was for a reason; it had a purpose. Maddox would stop at nothing until Auchterton fell at his feet and the rebels were destroyed. He was always one step ahead.

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